
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:Richard Courant,Fritz John  頁數(shù):661  


During the latter part of the seventeenth century the new mathe-matical analysis emerged as the dominating force in mathematics.    It is characterized by the amazingly successful operation with infinite processes or limits. Two of these processes, differentiation and inte- gration, became the core of the systematic Differential and Integral Calculus, often simply called "Calculus," basic for all of analysis.    The importance of the new discoveries and methods was immediately felt and caused profound intellectual excitement. Yet, to gain mastery of the powerful art appeared at first a formidable task, for the avail-able publications were scanty, unsystematic, and often lacking in clarity. Thus, it was fortunate indeed for mathematics and science in general that leaders in the new movement soon recognized the vital need for writing textbooks aimed at making the subject ac-cessible to a public much larger than the very small intellectual elite of the early days. One of the greatest mathematicians of modern times,Leonard Euler, established in introductory books a firm tradition and these books of the eighteenth century have remained sources of inspira-tion until today, even though much progress has been made in the clarification and simplification of the material.    After Euler, one author after the other adhered to the separation of differential calculus from integral calculus, thereby obscuring a keypoint, the reciprocity between differentiation and integration. Only in1927 when the first edition of R. Courant's German Vorlesungen iiber Differential und Integrairechnung, appeared in the Springer-Verlagwas this separation eliminated and the calculus presented as a unifiedsubject.




Chapter 1 Introduction  1.1  The Continum of Numbers  1.2  The Concept of Function  1.3  The Elementary Functions  1.4  Sequences  1.5  Mathematical Induction  1.6  The Limit of a Sequence  1.7  Further Discussion of the Concept of Limit  1.8  The Concept of Limit for Functions of a Continuous VariableSupplements  S.1  Limits and the Number Concept  S.2  Theorems on Continuous Functions  S.3  Polar Coordinates  S.4  Remarks on Complex Numbers  PROBLEMSChapter 2  The Fundamental Ideas of the Integral and Differential Calculus  2.1  The Integral  2.2  Elementary Examples of Integration  2.3  Fundamental Rules of Integration  2.4  The Integral as a Function of the Upper Limit (Indefinite Integral)  2.5  Lograithm Defined by an Integral  2.6  Exponential Function and Powers  2.7  The Integral of an Arbitrary Power of   2.8  The Derivative  2.9  The Integral,the Primitive Function,and the Fundamental Theorems of the Calculus   PROBLEMSChapter 3  The Technipues of CalculusChapter 4  Applications in Physics and GeometryChapter 5  Taylor's ExpansionChapter 6  Numerical MethodsChapter 7  Infinite Sums and ProductsChapter 8  Trigonometric SeriesChapter 9  Differential Epuations for the Simplest Types of VibrationList of Biograpical DatesIndex






    微積分和數(shù)學分析引論(第1卷) PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計26條)


  •   讀過中文版,現(xiàn)在開始讀英文版了,又是對數(shù)學知識一個深化過程。
  •   書店買不到卷一。質量非常好,紙質不錯。
  •   特別好的書籍,講的特別的好
  •   順便練習英文
  •   對需要此書的人不二之選擇
  •   沒有那么抽象,比較形象、簡明扼要。
  •   很不錯的書,很專業(yè),唯一的欠缺就是是重印的,可能清晰度不是那么好。
  •   前幾章不好懂,需要對照中文書看。大師級的書的確值得學習。對于建立扎實的技術很有用??上е形谋静辉俪霭媪恕?br /> 當當應該建議一下出版社再印刷一下中文版。這套書很有生命力的。網(wǎng)上很多賣復印版的中文版書。
  •   分享收書快樂
  •   老外書的一個特點就是講解細膩,循序漸進。徹底顛覆了我之前對數(shù)分的認識,大學的時候要是有這么一本書入門就好了。本書非常完備,不需要其他方面的基礎。
  •   柯氏著作的諸多都被譯成了好幾國文字,蘇聯(lián)早在1930年代就有柯氏著作的俄文本了……
  •   Courant大師的書~~~毋庸置疑
  •   書皮有些破損,有點失望
  •   為什么紙張是這個樣子呢。。。像盜版的哎。。。
  •   同濟的爛書就不必提了,根本沒有可比性,你能想象拿那些垃圾的網(wǎng)絡文學跟世界名著比嗎???
  •   不敢說同濟之類的教材不好,但是對于一個智商一般非數(shù)學系的苦B孩子,讀同濟的真有點頭大。此書高屋建瓴,邏輯清楚,給出了本學科概念間的發(fā)展脈絡。印象最深的是強調intuition和precise definition之間的聯(lián)系,國內這方面提的較少。另外,原函數(shù)和不定積分的概念和國內教材不相同,看了真有大徹大悟之感!回頭再看同濟的,就感覺清楚多了。同濟的重要性不比說,但是國內的教材真的不適于自學。永遠懷念Richard Courant,給跪了!ORZ 是庫朗,亞馬遜還寫個庫蘭特~~~
  •   很喜歡這樣的風格。以前看過很多種分析的書,試想一下要是R.Courant寫Walter Rudin 的《Principles of Mathematical Analysis》那是什么感覺?其它的就不說了,能與其平起平坐的恐怕只有菲老的書了!另外,送貨倒是挺快的,我2012年4月3日下的單,預計4月6號到貨。5號早上快遞就給我打電話讓我領貨了。要是買夠多少錢的東西,可以附送個小禮品比如說鑰匙鏈等就好了!
  •   書是經典,內容不用說!買之前看評論說字跡有些模糊,書到以后,發(fā)現(xiàn)該書是2011年10月的影印版,紙質白且不薄,字跡影印清晰,與機械工業(yè)版的有些影印書相比,字墨跡更濃,反差大,看著更舒服!
  •   向很多同學都推薦了這本書.講解非常清晰有條理.適合所有有一定數(shù)學基礎的人!
  •   內容很詳細,就是配圖少了一些
  •   The expected book is Good and the efficiency of express delivery satisfied me BUT its quality sucks,for my beloved book was crumpled!
  •   快遞很給力!但是影印有些不滿意,字有些模糊。。
  •   滿意,書印制很好,正在努力學中。
  •   想買是想買,可是本教主的英語能力還不夠啊,,,,怎么可能看得明白?還是覺得同濟的簡單易懂些。。。
  •   影印版,有點破損,行列有少許錯位,不影響閱讀
  •   經典歸經典,畢竟是影印版的,看起來稍微有點吃力~

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