
出版時(shí)間:2007-10  出版社:北京世圖  作者:范德瓦爾登  頁數(shù):265  


The "abstract,""formal"or"axiomatic"direction,to which the fresh impetus in algebra is euc ,haw led ,haw led to a numbe of new formulations of ideas,insight into new interrelations,and far-reaching results results,especially in group theory ,field theory,valuation theory, ideal theory,and the theory of hypercomplex numbers.The principal objective of this reason ,genreral concepts and methods stand in the foregorund ,particular results which properly belong to classical algebra must also be give appropriate consideration within the framrwork of the modern development.


Chapter 1  NUMBERS AND SETS  1.1  Sets  1.2  Mappings ,Cardinality  1.3  The Number sequence  1.4  Finite and countable (denumerable)sets  1.5  partitionsChapter 2  GROUPS  2.1  The concept of a group  2.2  subgrougs  2.3  compleses.cosets  2.4  Isomorphisms and automorphisms  2.5  Homomorphisms ,normal subgroups,and factor groupsChapter 3  RINGS AND FIELDS  3.1  Rings  3.2  Homomorphism and Isomorphism  3.3  The concept of a field quotients  3.4  Polynomial rings  3.5  Ideals,residue class rings  3.6  divesibility .prime ideals  3.7  Euclidean rings and principal ideal rings  3.8  FactorizationChapter 4  VECTOR SPACES AND TENSOR SPACES  4.1  Vector spaces  4.2  Dimensional invariance  4.3  The dual vector space  4.4  Linear equations in a skew field  4.5  Linear transformations  4.6  Tensors  4.7  Antisymmetric multilinear forms and determinants  4.8  Tensor products,contraction,and traceChapter 5  POLYNOMIALS  5.1  Differentiation  5.2  The zeros of a polynomial  5.3  Interpolation formulae  5.4  Factorixation  5.5  Irrdeucibility criteria  5.6  Factorixation in a finite number of steps  5.7  symmetric functions  5.8  the resultant of two polynomials  5.9  the resultant as a symmetric function of the roots  5.10  partial fraction decompositionChapter 6  THEORY OF FIELDSChapter 7  CONTINUATION OF GROUP THEORYChapter 8  THE GALOIL THEEORYChapter 9  ORDERING AND WELL ORDERING OF SETSChapter 10  INFINITE FIELD EXTENSIONSChapter 11  REAL FIELDSINDEX






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  •   VanderWaerden的《代數(shù)學(xué)》第一卷和第二卷的第一版于1930-1931年分別出版.自出版后,這本書對(duì)于近世代數(shù)學(xué)的傳播和發(fā)展起了巨大的推動(dòng)作用.現(xiàn)在的《代數(shù)學(xué)》第一卷已經(jīng)出到第七版,第二卷出到第五版.其中第一卷可以直接用作代數(shù)學(xué)的很好的入門教材,第二卷可用于進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí).本書的涉及面廣,篇幅卻不大,的確是經(jīng)典數(shù)學(xué)教材.
  •   幾代數(shù)學(xué)人的課本,精品啊。可惜的是中譯本目前市場(chǎng)上買不到了。
  •   van der Waerden在寫第一版時(shí)是在ZFC下,因?yàn)橛玫搅诉x擇公理,這受到很多邏輯學(xué)者和構(gòu)造主義者、直覺主義者的不滿,于是在第二版時(shí)van der Waerden去掉了選擇公理,在ZF下改寫該書,使得該書的大部分內(nèi)容被刪去了,這一做法又受到了很多代數(shù)學(xué)家的不滿。第三版時(shí)van der Waerden又重新在ZFC下寫該書,因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為自己是一名代數(shù)學(xué)家。對(duì)純粹數(shù)學(xué)工作者而言沒有選擇公理的世界是不可想象的。
  •   大師作品不解釋
  •   特別好的書籍,值得每個(gè)感興趣的人讀讀
  •   沒的說的好書
  •   這書的中文版科學(xué)啥時(shí)候重印
  •   數(shù)很經(jīng)典,據(jù)說培養(yǎng)了中國(guó)幾代代數(shù)學(xué)家,他寫的代數(shù)幾何引論剛好也被科學(xué)社翻譯出版了
  •   早就該影印了
  •   印刷還可以,具體內(nèi)容還沒看
  •   不懂?dāng)?shù)學(xué) 不懂英文代買
  •   書很好,就是紙張很差,世圖的書紙張?jiān)絹碓讲盍?/li>
  •   字有些模糊,不如期望中的世界圖書出版社的質(zhì)量

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