精通Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services

出版時間:2007-6  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:吉姆·拜耶斯  頁數(shù):714  


本書專為高級用戶編寫,是一本編排全面合理的參考用書,用詳解的表述方式幫助讀者全面掌握Windows SharePoint Services。上百個省時的解決方案、排除故障的竅門以及工作區(qū)全都采用簡單、一目了然的編排,易學(xué)易用。 本書可以使用戶輕松創(chuàng)建出符合特定需求的信息和門戶網(wǎng)站,并以此作為起點,讓合作伙伴和開發(fā)人員能夠建立更為深入的Windows SharePoint Services解決方案。


Jim Buyens has been professionally involved with the World Wide Web since its inception,including roles as a server administrator,Web master,content developer,and system architect.He has many years of experience in the telecommunications industry,and is also an acclaimed Microsoft Most Valuable Professional(MVP)who contributes extensively to the Microsoft Online FrontPage Communities. Jim received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Purdue University in 1971 and a Master ofBusiness Administration from Arizona State University in 1992.When not enhancing the Web or writing books,he enjoys traveling and attending protesslonal sports events—especially NHL hockey.He resides with his family in Phoenix.


Part Ⅰ Overview and Concepts Chapter 1 Introducing Windows SharePoint Services Chapter 2 Introducing SharePoint Portal ServerPart Ⅱ End-User Features and Experience Chapter 3 Using SharePoint Built-In Features Chapter 4 Using SharePoint with the Microsoft Office SystemPart Ⅲ Designing Sites and Pages with a Browser Chapter 5 Creating SharePoint Sites and Pages Chapter 6 Designing Lists, Libraries, and PagesPart Ⅳ Creating and Designing Sites Using FrontPage 2003 Chapter 7 Opening, Creating, and Copying SharePoint Sites Chapter 8 Creating and Formatting Web Part Pages Chapter 9 Creating and Modifying Basic Site Features Chapter 10 Creating Data Sources and Data Views Chapter 11 Working with List Views and Data Views Chapter 12 Using Advanced Web Part Features Part Ⅴ Installing SharePoint at the Server Chapter 13 Planning and Installing Windows SharePoint Services Chapter 14 Backing Up, Restoring, and Migrating SharePoint SitesPart Ⅵ Administering SharePoint Services Chapter 15 Administering a SharePoint Server Chapter 16 Managing Site Settings Chapter 17 Administering Your SharePoint Site Chapter 18 Advanced Design Techniques Part Ⅶ Developing Web Parts in Visual Studio.NET Chapter 19 Beginning Web Part Development Chapter 20 Creating Basic Web Parts Chapter 21 Creating Custom Administration Tools



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