出版時(shí)間:2007-6 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:查爾斯·佩特索德 頁數(shù):1002
This Book shows you bow to use the Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) to write programs that run undre Micrsosft Windows. Theese programs can be dither regular stand-alon WIndows spplications (which are now often called client applications) or front ends for distributed applications.The WPFis considered to be the primary application porgramming interface(API)for Micrososft Windows Vista,but you can also run WPF applications under Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack2 or Windows Server2003 after you have installed Microsoft. NET Framework 3.0 Although you usr the WPF for writing what are sometimes called"regular type Windows apps," these are definitely not your parents'Windows programs.The WPF includes a new look, a new philosophy concerning control customization,new graphics facilities (including animation and 3D),and a new programming interface. The WPF actually has two interrelated programming intreeelated programming interfaces.You can write WPF programs entirely using C#of any other programming language that complies with the. NET Common Language Specification CLS).In addition, the WPF includes an exciting new XML-based markup language called the Extensible Application Markup Language(orXAML, pronounced "zammel"),and in come cases you can write entire programs in XAML.Generally, however, you will build your applications from both code and markup(as the title of this book implies).You'll wus XAML for defining the user interface and visuals of your application-including graphics and animation-and you'll write code for handling user input events.
Introduction Your Background This Book Windows and Porgramming System Requirements Prerelease Software Code Samples Support for This Book Questions and comments Autheor's Wed Site Special ThanksPart 1 Code 1 The Application and the Window 2 Basic Brushes 3 The Concept of Content 4 Buttons and Other Controls 5 Stack and Wrap 6 The Dock and the Grid 7 Canvas 8 Dependency Properties 9 Routed lnput Events 10 Custom Elements 11 Single-Child Elements 12 Custom Panels 13 ListBox Selection 14 The Menu Hierarchy 15 toolbars and Status Bars 16 TreeView abd ListView 17 Printing and Dialog Boxes 18 The Notepad ClonePart 2 Markup 19 XAML(Rhymes with Camel) 20 Properties and Attributes 21 Resources 22 Windows,Pages,and Navigation 23 Data Binding 24 Styles 25 Templates 26 Data Entry,Data Views 27 Graphical Shapes 28 Geometries and Paths 29 Graphice Transforms 30 Animation 31 Bitmaps,Burshes, and Drawingslndex
本書為英文版。本書是介紹微軟最新客戶應(yīng)用程序接口的權(quán)威指導(dǎo)用書。對于如何用XAML語言以及C#創(chuàng)建微軟Windows Vista應(yīng)用程序接口給出了專家級的指導(dǎo)方案。