出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:STEPHEN J.MATHES  


Nearly 300 Premier authorities dexcribe every state-of-the-art plastic and reconstructive surgery technique in meticulous,lavishly illustrated detail,providing the well-rounded knowledge you need to reproduce their successes.
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作者簡介:Edited by Stephen J.Mathes,MD,Professor of Surgery;Chief,Division of Plastic Surgery,University of California,San Francisco,School of Medicine,San Francisco,California.


Plastic Surgery 1
VOLUME Ⅰ General Principles
1 Plastic Surgery:The Problem-Solving Specialty
2 Historical Perspectives
3 0utcomes Research:The Path to Evidence.Based Decisions in Plastic Surgery
4 Genetics
5 Psychological Aspects of Plastic Surgery
6 Ethics in Plastic Surgery
7 Liability Issues in Plastic Surgery:A Legal Perspective
8 Liability Issues in Plastic Surgery:An Insurance Perspective
9 Photography in Plastic Surgery
10 Anesthesia for Plastic Surgery
11 Wound Healing:Repair Biology and Wound and Scar Treatment
12 Scar Revision
13 Transplantation in Plastic Surgery
14 Skin Grafts
15 Vascular Territories
16 Flap Classification and Applications
17 Flap Physiology
18 Principles and Techniques of Microvascular Surgery
19 Principles of Tissue Expansion
20 Repair and Grafting of Dermis,F(xiàn)at,and Fascia
21 Repair and Grafting of Tendon
22 Repair,Regeneration,and Grafting of Skeletal Muscle
23 Repair,Grafting,and Engineering of Cartilage
24 Repair and Grafting of Bone
25 Repair and Grafting of Peripheral Nerve
26 AIIoplastic Materials
27 Prostheses in Plastic Surgery
28 Exfoliative Disorders
29 Burn and Electrical I njury
30 Radiation Injury
31 Cold Injuries
32 Pharmacologic and Mechanical Management of Wounds
33 Problem Wounds and Principles of Closure
34 Principles of Endoscopic Surgery
35 Principles of Cancer Management
36 Prenata0 Detection of Fetal Anomalies
37 Tissue Engineering
38 Fetal Surgery
39 Telemedicine
40 Robotics in Plastic Surgery
VOLUME Ⅱ The Head and Neck,Part 1
VOLUME Ⅲ The Head and Neck,Part 2
VOLUME Ⅳ Pediatric Plastic Surgery
VOLUME Ⅴ Tumors of the Head,Neck,and Skin
VOLUME Ⅵ Trunk and Lower Extremity
VOLUME Ⅶ The Hand Upper Limb,Part 1
VOLUME Ⅷ The Hand Upper Limb,Part 2
Plastic Surgery 2
Plastic Surgery 3
Plastic Surgery 4



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