出版時間:2007-1 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:Elias M. Stein,Rami Shakarchi 頁數(shù):402
本書由在國際上享有盛譽普林斯大林頓大學(xué)教授Stein等撰寫而成,是一部為數(shù)學(xué)及相關(guān)專業(yè)大學(xué)二年級和三年級學(xué)生編寫的教材,理論與實踐并重。為了便于非數(shù)學(xué)專業(yè)的學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí),全書內(nèi)容簡明、易懂,讀者只需掌握微積分和線性代數(shù)知識。關(guān)于本書的詳細介紹,請見“影印版前言”。 本書已被哈佛大學(xué)和加利福尼亞理工學(xué)院選為教材。與本書相配套的教材《傅立葉分析導(dǎo)論》和《復(fù)分析》也已影印出版。
他是當(dāng)代分析,特別是調(diào)和分析和分析領(lǐng)域領(lǐng)袖人物之一。古典調(diào)和分析最困難問題之一是推廣到多維。他是多維歐氏調(diào)和分析的創(chuàng)造者之一,為此他發(fā)展了許多先進工具如奇異積分、Radon變換、極大函數(shù)等。他還發(fā)展了多個實變元的Hardy空間理論,推廣了1971年F. John和L. Nirenberg的重要發(fā)現(xiàn):即Hardy空間與BMO空間的對偶。在群上的調(diào)和分析方面也有貢獻,例如同R.Kunze一起發(fā)現(xiàn)所謂Kunze-Stein現(xiàn)象。除此之外,他對多復(fù)變問題也做出了突出成績。
ForewordIntroduction 1 Fourier series: completion 2 Limits of continuous functions 3 Length of curves 4 Differentiation and integration 5 The problem of measureChapter 1. Measure Theory 1 Preliminaries 2 The exterior measure 3 Measurable sets and the Lebesgue measure 4 Measurable functions 4.1 Definition and basic properties 4.2 Approximation by simple functions or step functions 4.3 Littlewood's three principles 5* The Brunn-Minkowski inequality 6 Exercises 7 ProblemsChapter 2. Integration Theory 1 The Lebesgue integral: basic properties and convergence theorems 2 The space L1 of integrable functions 3 Fubini's theorem 3.1 Statement and proof of the theorem 3.2 Applications of Fubini's theorem 4* A Fourier inversion formula 5 Exercises 6 ProblemsChapter 3. Differentiation and Integration 1 Differentiation of the integral 1.1 The Hardy-Littlewood maximal function 1.2 The Lebesgue differentiation theorem 2 Good kernels and approximations to the identity 3 Differentiability of functions 3.1 Functions of bounded variation 3.2 Absolutely continuous functions 3.3 Differentiability of jump functions 4 Rectifiable curves and the isoperimetric inequality 4.1 Minkowski content of a curve 4.2* Isoperimetrie inequality 5 Exercises 6 ProblemsChapter 4. Hilbert Spaces: An Introduction 1 The Hilbert space L2 2 Hilbert spaces 2.1 Orthogonality 2.2 Unitary mappings 2.3 Pre-Hilbert spaces 3 Fourier series and Fatou's theorem 3.1 Fatou's theorem 4 Closed subspaees and orthogonal projections 5 Linear transformations 5.1 Linear flmetionals and the Riesz representation the-orem 5.2 Adjoints 5.3 Examples 6 Compact operators 7 Exercises 8 ProblemsChapter 5. Hilbert Spaces: Several Examples 1 The Fourier transform on L2 2 The Hardy space of the upper half-plane 3 Constant coefficient partial differential equations 3.1 Weak solutions 3.2 The main theorem and key estimate 4* The Dirichlet principle 4.1 Harmonic functions 4.2 The boundary value problem and Diriehlet's principle 5 Exercises 6 ProblemsChapter 6.Abstract Measure and Integration TheoryChapter 7.Hausdorff Measure and FractalsNotes and References Bibliography Symbol Glossary Index