出版時間:2006-11 出版社:北京世界圖書出版公司 作者:科森多爾 頁數(shù):365
1 Introduction 1.1 Stochastic Analogs of Classical Differential Equations 1.2 Filtering Problems 1.3 Stochastic Approach to Deterministic Boundary Value Problems 1.4 Optimal Stopping 1.5 Stochastic Control 1.6 Mathematical Finance2 Some Mathematical Preliminaries 2.1 Probability Spaces, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes 2.2 An Important Example: Brownian Motion Exercises3 Ito Integrals 3.1 Construction of the It5 Integral 3.2 Some properties of the It5 integral 3.3 Extensions of the Ito integral Exercises4 The Ito Formula and the Martingale Representation Theorem 4.1 The 1-dimensional It5 formula 4.2 The Multi-dimensional It5 Formula 4.3 The Martingale Representation Theorem Exercises5 Stochastic Differential Equations 5.1 Examples and Some Solution Methods 5.2 An Existence and Uniqueness Result 5.3 Weak and Strong Solutions Exercises6 The Filtering Problem 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The 1-Dimensional Linear Filtering Problem 6.3 The Multidimensional Linear Filtering Problem Exercises7 Diffusions: Basic Properties 7.1 The Markov Property 7.2 The Strong Markov Property 7.3 The Generator of an It5 Diffusion 7.4 The Dynkin Formula 7.5 The Characteristic Operator Exercises8 Other Topics in Diffusion Theory 8.1 Kolmogorov's Backward Equation. The Resolvent 8.2 The Feynman-Kac Formula. Killing 8.3 The Martingale Problem 8.4 When is an It5 Process a Diffusion? 8.5 Random Time Change 8.6 The Girsanov Theorem Exercises9 Applications to Boundary Value Problems 9.1 The Combined Dirichlet-Poisson Problem. Uniqueness 9.2 The Dirichlet Problem. Regular Points 9.3 The Poisson Problem Exercises10 Application to Optimal Stopping 10.1 The Time-Homogeneous Case 10.2 The Time-Inhomogeneous Case 10.3 Optimal Stopping Problems Involving an Integral 10.4 Connection with Variational Inequalities Exercises11 Application to Stochastic Control 11.1 Statement of the Problem 11.2 The Ha.milton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation 11.3 Stochastic control problems with terminal conditions Exercises12 Application to Mathematical Finance 12.1 Market, portfolio and arbitrage 12.2 Attainability and Completeness 12.3 Option Pricing ExercisesAppendix A: Normal Random VariablesAppendix B: Conditional ExpectationAppendix C: Uniform Integrability and MartingaleConvergenceAppendix D: An Approximation ResultSolutions and Additional Hints to Some of the Exercises..ReferencesList of Frequently Used Notation and SymbolsIndex