
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:費恩曼  頁數(shù):162  


  幾年前,在一次宴會上,我遇到了MichaelGottlieb。宴會的主人在計算機屏幕上正播放著一位當紅的圖瓦族喉音歌手諧波泛音風格的演唱——這是使居住在舊金山附近的市民如此著迷的一件大事。Gottlieb曾經(jīng)研究過數(shù)學,對物理也很感興趣。歷此我建議他讀一讀《費恩曼物理學講義》。大約一年以后,他花了他生命中的六個月時間,從頭到尾專心致志地讀完了這部講義。正如Gott-lieb在本書的引言中所述,這樣做的結(jié)果最終導致了你現(xiàn)在讀到的這本書,以及一部新的“權(quán)威版”的《費恩曼物理學講義》。  我是這樣的高興,因為全世界對物理學感興趣的讀者現(xiàn)在都能研讀附有這部增補材料的更正確和更完全版本的《費恩曼物理學講義》——它將是一部在未來的幾十年都會持續(xù)不斷地為學生們提供豐富的知識和激發(fā)他們的靈感的不朽著作,不管他們是在曼哈頓的市中心還是在高高的喜馬拉雅山上。




IntroductionOn the Origins of The FeynmanLectures on PhysicsA MEMOIR BY MATTHEW SANDS1 PrerequisitesREVIEW LECTURE A1-1 Introduction to the review lecture1-2 Caltech from the bottom1-3 Mathematics for physics1-4 Differentiation1-5 Integration1-6 Vectors1-7 Differentiating vectors1-8 Line integrals1-9 A simple example1-10 Triangulation2 Laws and IntuitionREVIEW LECTURE B2-1 The physical laws2-2 The nonrelativistic approximation2-3 Motion with forces2-4 Forces and their potentials2-5 Learning physics by example2-6 Understanding physics physically2-7 A problem in machine design2-8 Earths escape velocityAlternate SolutionsA Finding the acceleration of the weight using geometryB Finding the acceleration of the weight using trigonometryFinding the force on the weight using torque and angular momentum3 Problems and SolutionsREVIEW LECTURE C3-1 Satellite motion3-2 Discovery of the atomic nucleus3-3 The fundamental rocket equation3-4 A numerical integration3-5 Chemical rockets3-6 Ion propulsion rockets3-7 Photon propulsion rockets3-8 An electrostatic proton beam deflector3-9 Determining the mass ofthepi meson4 Dynamical Effects and Their Applications4-1 A demonstration gyroscope4-2 The directional gyro4-3 The artificial horizon4-4 A ship-stabilizing gyroscope4-5 The gyrocompass4-6 Improvements in gyroscopes design and construction4-7 Accelerometers4-8 A complete navigational system4-9 Effects of the earths rotation4-10 The spinning disk4-11 Earths nutation4-12 Angular momentum in astronomy4-13 Angular momentum in quantum mechanics4-14 After the lecture5 Selected Exercises5-1 Conservation of energy, statics5-2 Keplers laws and gravitation5-3 Kinematics5-4 Newtons lawsS-S Conservation of momentum5-6 Vectors5-7 Nonrelativistic two-body collisions in 3 dimenstons5-8 Forces5-9 Potentials and fields5-10 Units and dimensions5-11 Relativistic energy and momentum5-12 Rotations in two dimensions, the center mass5-13 Angular momentum, the moment of inertia5-14 Rotation in three dimensionsAnswers to ExercisesPhoto CreditsIndex to The Lectures




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