
出版時間:2005-6  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:S.Chandrasekhar  頁數:460  


液晶:英文版,ISBN:9787506272742,作者:( )S.Chandrasekhar著


Preface to the first editionPreface to the second edition1 Introduction 1.1 Thermotropic liquid crystals: structure and classification of the mesophases  1.1.1 Liquid crystals of rod-like molecules  1.1.2 Liquid crystals of disc-like molecules  1.1.3 Polymer liquid crystals 1.2 Lyotropic liquid crystals 1.3 Polymorphism in thermotropic liquid crystals2 Statistical theories of nematic order 2.1 Melting of molecular crystals: the Pople-Karasz model  2.1.1 Order-disorder in positions and orientations  2.1.2 Plastic crystals and liquid crystals  2.1.3 Pressure-induced mesomorphism 2.2 Phase transition in a fluid of hard rods 2.3 The Maier-Saupe theory and its applications  2.3.1 Definition of long-range orientational order  2.3.2 The mean field approximation  2.3.3 Evaluation of the order parameter  2.3.4 Theory of dielectric anisotropy  2.3.5 Relationship between elasticity and orientational order 2.4 Hybrid models: hard rods with a superposed attractive potential 2.5 Short-range order effects in the isotropic phase  2.5.1 The Landau--de Gennes model  2.5.2 Magnetic and electric birefringence  2.5.3 Light scattering  2.5.4 Flow birefringence  2.5.5 Comparison with the Maier-Saupe theory 2.6 Near-neighbour correlations: Bethe's method  2.6.1 The Krieger-James approximation  2.6.2 Antiferroelectric short-range order 2.7 The nematic liquid crystal free surface3 Continuum theory of the nematic state 3.1 The Ericksen-Leslie theory  3.1.1 Conservation laws and the entropy inequality  3.1.2 Constitutive equations  3.1.3 Coefficients of viscosity  3.1.4 Parodi's relation 3.2 Curvature elasticity: the Oseen-Z6cher-Frank equations 3.3 Summary of equations of the continuum theory 3.4 Distortions due to magnetic and electric fields: static theory  3.4.1 The Freedericksz effect  3.4.2 The twisted nematic device  3.4.3 The Freedericksz effect in highly anisotropic nematics: periodic distortions  3.4.4 The constant k13 3.5 Disclinations  3.5.1 Schlieren textures  3.5.2 Interaction between disclinations  3.5.3 Non-singular structures (s =±1): escape in the third dimension  3.5.4 Twist disclinations  3.5.5 Singular points  3.5.6 Interaction between disclinations and surfaces  3.5.7 Defects in the presence of an external field  3.5.8 Some consequences of elastic anisotropy  3.5.9 The core structure 3.6 Flow properties  3.6.1 Miesowicz's experiment  3.6.2 Tsvetkov's experiment  3.6.3 Poiseuille flow  3.6.4 Shear flow  3.6.5 Transverse pressure and secondary flow 3.7 Reflexion of shear waves 3.8 Dynamics of the Freedericksz effect……4  Cholesteric liquid crystals5  Smectic liquid crystals6  Didscotic Liquid crystalsReferencesIndex




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