出版時間:2005-6 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:Edward Ott 頁數(shù):478
Preface to the first edition Preface to the second edition 1 Introduction and overview 1.1 Some history. 1.2 Examples of chaotic behavior 1.3 Dynamical systems 1.4 Attractors 1.5 Sensitive dependence on initial conditions 1.6 Delay coordinates Problems Notes 2 One-dimensional maps 2.1 Piecewise linear one-dimensional maps 2.2 The logistic map 2.3 General discussion of smooth one-dimensional maps 2.4 Examples of applications of one-dimensional maps to chaotic systems of higher dimensionaiity Appendix: Some elementary definitions and theorems concerning sets Problems Notes 3 Strange attractors and fractal dimension 3.1 The box-counting dimension 3.2 The generalized baker's map 3.3 Measure and the spectrum of Dq dimensions 3.4 Dimension spectrum for the generalized baker's map 3.5 Character of the natural measure for the generalized baker's map 3.6 The pointwise dimension ……4 Dynamical properties of chaoticsystems5 Nonattraeting chaotic sets6 Quasiperiodicity7 Chaos in Hamiltonlan systems8 Chaotic transitions9 Multifractals10 Control and synchronization of chaos11 QuantumchaosReferencesIndex