
出版時(shí)間:2005-6  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:J.S.Liu  頁數(shù):343  


An early experiment that conceives the basic idea of Monte Carlo compu-tatios is known as "Buffon'needle",first stated by Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon in 1777.In this well-known experiment,on throws a needle of length l onto a flat surface with a grid of parallel lines with spacing.It is easy to compute that,under ideal conditions,the chance that the needle will intersect one of the lines in .Thus,if we lep pN be the Proportion of "intersects"in N throws,we can have an estimate of π as wjocj will"converge"to π as N increases to infinity.


Preface 1 Introduction and Examples  1.1 The Need of Monte Carlo Techniques  1.2 Scope and Outline of the Book  1.3 Computations in Statistical Physics  1.4 Molecular Structure Simulation  1.5 Bioinformatics: Finding Weak Repetitive Patterns  1.6 Nonlinear Dynamic System: Target Tracking  1.7 Hypothesis Testing for Astronomical Observations  1.8 Bayesian Inference of Multilevel Models  1.9 Monte Carlo and Missing Data Problems 2 Basic Principles: Rejection, Weighting, and Others  2.1 Generating Simple Random Variables  2.2 The Rejection Method  2.3 Variance Reduction Methods  2.4 Exact Methods for Chain-Structured Models   2.4.1 Dynamic programming   2.4.2 Exact simulation  2.5 Importance Sampling and Weighted Sample   2.5.1 An example   2.5.2 The basic idea    2.5.3 The "rule of thumb"for importance sampling……3 Theory of Sequential Monte Carlo4 Sequential Monte Carlo in Action5 Metropolis Algorithm and Beyond6 The Gibbs Sampler7 Cluster Algorithms for the Ising Model8 General Conditionl Sampling9 Molecular Dynamics and Hybrid Monte Carlo10 Multievel Sampling and Optimization Methods11 Population-Based Monte Carlo Methods12 Markov Chains and Their Convergence13 Selected Theoretical TopicsA Basics in Probability and StatisticsReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index




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用戶評論 (總計(jì)22條)


  •   Jun Liu的大名,想必做統(tǒng)計(jì)的人都知道,現(xiàn)在已然是JASA的Editor了。這本書涉及到了Monte Carlo方法的很多方面,很多技術(shù)細(xì)節(jié)沒詳細(xì)展開(不過都附有參考文獻(xiàn)),算是Monte Carlo方面的經(jīng)典教材吧。
  •   這本書比較學(xué)術(shù)化, 可能是研究綜述 Research Survey 的擴(kuò)展版。
  •   雖然還沒有看,不過,應(yīng)該還是很不錯(cuò)
  •   思路清晰,文筆簡練,深入淺出,上佳之作。
  •   內(nèi)容不錯(cuò),還沒讀完
  •   我班一個(gè)大神說著作者名字挺熟悉的 我說你說的是葉軍吧 他說對啊就他 我說這是劉軍 呵呵O(∩_∩)O~
  •   不論是內(nèi)容還是印刷都不錯(cuò),送貨也快,不用跑到書店買了
  •   j.s. Liu的書沒說的,非常好懂~~
  •   誰能提供個(gè)入門點(diǎn)的
  •   太好的一步書了
  •   看到中文翻譯才到當(dāng)當(dāng)上找原版書的。沒想到一竟然找到了。很好的一本書,豐富的實(shí)用技巧。
  •   統(tǒng)計(jì)大師之作,不讀都后悔....
  •   Copss大獎(jiǎng)得主的力作,相當(dāng)棒!
  •   這本書對于在金融數(shù)值模擬研究很有幫助
  •   已經(jīng)不是第一次從當(dāng)當(dāng)網(wǎng)買書了,很方便又送貨上門,免去了跑書店的麻煩,真好
  •   挺好的,值得買,而且送貨也挺快的
  •   近期是因?yàn)橐芯糠肿舆\(yùn)動和固體擴(kuò)散才買的一本參考書。


  •   總體上內(nèi)容比較充實(shí),實(shí)用性比較強(qiáng).對我?guī)椭^大
  •   真算法使用的難度、廣度還真不是蓋的..
  •   質(zhì)量太一般
  •   書是好書,就是印刷質(zhì)量太差了!
  •   是一個(gè)哈佛的教授寫的,中國人,蒙特卡洛法的權(quán)威之一。這本書網(wǎng)上有電子板的,買了書之后才知道有點(diǎn)后悔。

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