
出版時間:2005-4  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:C.Branan  頁數(shù):426  


Chemical Equipment:Here under one cover are practical tips, handy formulas, correlations, curves, charts, tables, and shortcut methods that will save engineers valuable time and effort. -This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.   Review:"Branan's useful and convenient handbook for chemical and process engineers (at a bargain price) will be much appreciated by students and practitioners..."American Reference Books Annual  "...this book is a handy reference tool for preliminary designs, and has some very useful information on several aspects of plant operation." Chemical Engineering  "Carl Branan's book provides a huge amount of valuable information on a wide variety of chemical engineering applications from sizing pipelines to economic evaluation of process options."


SECTION ONE Equipment Desig 1: Fluid Flow, 2   Velocity head   Piping pressure drop   Equivalent length   Recommended velocities   Two phase flow   Compzessible flow   Sonic velocity   Metering   Control valves   Safety relief valves 2: Heat Exchangers, 19   TEMA   Selection guides   Pressure drop shell and tube   Temperature difference   Shell diameter   Shellside velocity maximum   Nozzle velocity maximum   Heat transfer coefficients   Fouling resistances   Metal resistances   Vacuum condensers   Air-cooled heat exchangers: lbrced vs induced draft   Aipcooled heat exchangers: pressure drop air side   Air-cooled heat exchangers: rough rating   Air-cooled heat exchangers: temperature control   Miscellaneous rules of thumb 3: Fractioootors, 49   Introduction   Relative volatility   Minimum reflux   Minimum stages   Actual reflux and actual theoretical stages    Reflux to feed ratio    Actual trays    GrapbicaI methods  Tray efficiency    Diameter of bubble cap trays    Diametel of sieve/valve trays (F factor)    Diameter of sieve/valve trays (Smith)    Diameter of sieve/valve trays (Lieberman)    Diameter of ballast trays    Diameter of fl acflonators general    Control schemes    Optimization techniques    Reboilers    Packed columns 4: Absorbers, 97    hatroduction    Hydrocarbon absorber design    Hydrocarbon absolbers, oplimization    Inorganic type 5: Pumps, 104    Affinity laws    Horsepower    Efficiency    Minimum Ilow    General suction system    Suction system NPSH available    Suction system NPSH for studies    Suction system NPSH wilh dissolved gas    Larger bnpeller    Construction materialsSECTION TWO Process DesignSECTION THREE Plant DesignSECTION FOUR OperationsAppendixesIndex, 423




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