
出版時間:2005-6  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:P.R.BERGETHON  頁數(shù):567  


生物化學(xué)物理基礎(chǔ):英文本,ISBN:9787506272537,作者:( )Peter R.Bergethon著


PrefaceTo the StudentPart I The Science and Philosophy of Biophysical Study  Chapter 1 Introdution to the Principles and Practice of Biophysical Chemsitry  Chapter 2 Physical Thoughts,Biological Systems:The Application of Modeling Principles to Understanding Bioloical Systems  Chapter 3 Probability and StatisticsPart 2 Physical Foundations  Chpater 4 Physical Principles:Energy-The Prime Observable  Chapter 5 Physical Principles:Mechanics and Motion  Chpater 6 Physical Principles:Waves  Chpater 7 Physical Principles:Electrostatics  Chpater 8 Physical Principles:Electromagnetics  Chapter 9 Physical Principles:Quantum Mechanics  Chpater 10 Chemical PrinciplesPart 3 Measuring a System:Tools for Exploring Natural State Space  Chapter 11 Measuring the Energy of a System:Energetics and the First Law of Thermodynamics  Chapter 12 The Whole Is Greater than the Sun of Its Parts:Entropy and the Second Law  Chapter 13 Which Way Is That System Going?The Gibbs Free Energy  Chpater 14 Friends and Neighbors-Interactions in a System:Phase Equilibria  Chpater 15 Spectroscopy:Analysis of Structure   Chpater 16 Analysis of Structure:Microscopy  Chpater 17 Scenic Overlook Backward and ForwardPart 4 The Structure of Biological State Space:Building a Model of Aqueous Biochemistry  Chpater 18 Water:A Unique Structure,a Unique Solvent  Chapter 19 Ion-Solvent Interactions  ……Part 5 Function and Action in State SpaceEpilogueAppendixesPhysical ConstantsAnswers to Selected ProblemsIndex



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