
出版時間:2004-11  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:SERGE LANG  頁數(shù):914  


  As I see it, the graduate course in algebra must primarily prepare studentsto handle the algebra which they will meet in all of mathematics: topology,partial differential equations, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, analysis,and representation theory, not to speak of algebra itself and algebraic numbertheory with all its ramifications. Hence I have inserted throughout references topapers and books which have appeared during the last decades, to indicate someof the directions in which the algebraic foundations provided by this book areused; I have accompanied these references with some motivating comments, toexplain how the topics of the present book fit into the mathematics that is tocome subsequently in various fields; and I have also mentioned some unsolvedproblems of mathematics in algebra and number theory. The abc conjecture isperhaps the most spectacular of these.


Part One The Basic Objects of Algebra Chapter 1 Groups 1. Monoids 2. Groups 3. Normal subgroups 4. Cyclic groups5. Operations of a group on a set 6. Sylow subgroups 7. Direct sums and free abelian groups 8. Finitely generated abelian groups 9. The dual group 10. Inverse limit and completion 11. Categories and functors 12. Free groups Chapter 2 Rings1. Rings and homomorphisms 2. Commutative rings 3. Polynomials and group rings 4. Localization 5. Principal and factorial ringsChapter 3 ModulesChapter 4 PolynomlalsPart Two Algebraic EquationsChapter 5 Algebralc ExtensionsChapter 6 Galois TheoryChapter 7 Extensions of RingsChapter 8 Transcendental ExtensionsChapter 9 Algebraic SpacesChapter 10 Noetherial Rings and ModulesChapter 11 Real FieldsChapter 12 Absolute ValuesPart Three Liear Alebar and ReqresentationsChapter 13 Matrices and Linear MapsChapter 14 Representatlon of One EndomorphismChapter 15 Structure of Bilinear FormsChapter 16 The Tensor ProductChapter 17 SmisimplicityChapter 18 Representations of Finite GroupsChapter 19 The Alternating ProductPart Four Homological AlgebraChapter 20 General Homology TheoryChapter 21 Finite Free ResolutionsAppendix 1 The Transcendence of e and Appendix 2 Some Set TheoryBibliographyIndex




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  •   好多人覺得lang的書亂寫,呵呵。本來寫分析吧,結(jié)果扯好多代數(shù);本來寫代數(shù)吧,甚至幾何都出來了初學(xué)者不喜歡是顯然的。太綜合了甚至有人說干巴晦澀可是如果有點基礎(chǔ),你會發(fā)現(xiàn),lang真是了不起的大師。lang的書相當(dāng)有啟發(fā)。感覺亂的話,我猜可能你基礎(chǔ)不夠吧我已經(jīng)讀了好幾本lang的書了,分析、幾何、代數(shù)都有。數(shù)學(xué)本就一體,拆成孤立的分支,寫成一本本課本,其實是方便“教學(xué)”不得已而為之罷了。
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  •   After having struggled with this book for most of my first year algebra class I grew to hate it! I now find myself refering to this book time and time again. This book really has it all. If you already have a good background in algebra and want a great referance, this book is a must. If you are taking algebra for the first time I would avoid this book and look at another intro. to algebra text like Grove (one of my favorite math texts).
  •   Serge Lang的這本書是一本經(jīng)典。本書的最大特點就是寫得很抽象,同時處理得很干凈。全書沒有一句廢話,每個例子都有鮮明的特點,是一本極好的代數(shù)書。對本科生而言可以與Lang的undergraduate algebra一起看。
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