出版時間:2004-11 出版社:北京世圖 作者:L.H.Ryder 頁數(shù):487
This book is a modern pedagogic introduction to the ideas and techniques of quantum field theory. After a brief overview of particle physics and a survey of relativistic wave equations and Lagrangian methods,the quantum theory of scalar and spinor fields, and then of gauge fields,is developed The emphasis throughout is on functional methods,which have played a large part in modern field theory. The book concludes with a brief survey of `topological' objects in field theory and,new to this edition,a chapter devoted to supersymmetry.
Prface to the first editionPreface to the second edition1 Intropduction:synosis of particle physics 1.1 Quantum field theory 1.2 Gravitation 1.3 Strong interactions 1.4 Weak interactions 1.5 Leptonic quantum numbers 1.6 Hadronic quantum numbers 1.7 Resonances 1.8 The quark model 1.9 SU(2),SU(3)SU(4)… 1.10 Dynamical evidence for quarks 1.11 Colour 1.12 QCD 1.13 Weak interactions Guide to further reading2 Single-particle relativistic wave equations 2.1 Rel;ativistic notation 2.2 Klein-Gordon equation 2.3 Dirac equation SU(2)and the rotaion group SL(2,C)and the antiparticles 2.4 Prdiciton of antiparticles 2.5 Construction of Dirac spinors:algebra of γ matrices 2.6 Non-relativistic limit and the electron magnetic moment 2.7 The relevance of the Pointcare group operators and the zero mass limit 2.8 Maxwell and Proca equations 2.9 Maxwell's equations and differential geometry Summary Guide to further reading3 Lagrangian formulation,symmetries and gauge fields4 Canonical quantisation and particle interpretation5 Path integrals and quantum mechanics6 Path-integral quantisation and Feynman rules:scalar and spinor fields7 Path-imtegral quantisation:gauge fields8 Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Weinberg-Salam model9 Renormalisation10 Toplogical objects in field theoryReferencesIndex