
出版時間:2004-11  出版社:世界圖書出版公司(此信息作廢)  作者:author  頁數(shù):558  


This book contains an introduction to hyperbolic partial differential equations and a powerful class of numerical methods for approximating their solution, including both linear problems and nonlinear conservation laws. These equations describe a wide range of wavepropagation and transport phenomena arising in nearly every scientific and engineering discipline. Several applications are described in a self-contained manner, along with much of the mathematical theory of hyperbolic problems. High-resolution versions of Godunov's method are developed, in which Riemann problems are solved to determine the local wave structure and limiters are then applied to eliminate numerical oscillations. These methods were originally designed to capture shock waves accurately, but are also useful tools for studying linear wave-propagation problems, particularly in heterogenous material. The methods studied are implemented in the CLAWPACK software package. Source code for all the examples presented can be found on the web, along with animations of many timedependent solutions. This provides an excellent learning environment for understanding wave-propagation phenomena and finite volume methods.


The Text of Kafka’s Selected Stories  The Judgment • A Story  The Stoker • A Fragment  In the Penal Colony  A Country Doctor • Little Stories   The New Lawyer   A Country Doctor   Up in the Gallery   A Page from an Old Document   Before the Law   Jackals and Arabs   The Worry of the Father of the Family   A Fratricide   A Dream   A Report to an Academy  A Starving Artist. Four Stories   First Distress   A Starving-Artist   Josefine, the Singer or the Mouse People   Posthumously Published Stories   The Bridge   The Hunter Gracchus: Two Fragments   Building the Great Wall of China   The Knock at the Courtyard Gate   A Cross   An Everyday Event   The Silence of the Sirens   Prometheus   Poseidon   On the Question of the Laws   Researches of a Dog   A Comment   On Parables   The Burrow Backgrounds and Contexts  Letters, Diaries, and Conversations Criticism  Stanley Corngold • Preface  In the Circle of "The Judgment"  Danielle Allen • Sounding Silence [In the Penal Colony]  Walter Hinderer • An Anecdote by Kafka: "A Fratricide"  Walter Sokel • Identity and the Individual, or Past and Present:  Franz Kafka’s "A Report to an Academy" in a Psychoanalytic and a Sociohistorical  Context  Nicola Gess • The Politics of Listening: The Power of Song in  "Josefine, the Singer"  Vivian Liska • Positions: on Franz Kafka’s "Poseidon"  Benno Wagner • "No one indicates the direction": The Question of  Leadership in Kafka’s Later Stories  John A. Hargraves • Kafka and Silence: An Alternate View of Music  Gerhard Kurz • The Rustling of Stillness: Approaches to Kafka’s  "The Burrow" Franz Kafka: A Chronology Selected Bibliography




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用戶評論 (總計3條)


  •   目前應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)已發(fā)展了很多方法,然而卻沒有很有效地用到物理上。這本書在解決物理尤其是天體物理中激波問題時很有用處,是一本很好的參考書籍。
  •   有需要
  •   老外的書不錯,但是翻譯的 不好,不如直接來外文的

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
