出版時間:2004-4 出版社:北京世圖 作者:MucioA.Continention 頁數(shù):188
PrefaceChapter1 Scaling Theory of Quantum Critical Phenomena 1.1 Quantum Phase Transitions 1.2 Renormalization Group and Scaling Relations 1.3 The Critical Exponents 1.4 Scaling Properties Close to a Zero Temperature Fixed Point 1.5 Extension to Finite TemperaturesChapter2 Landau and Geussian Theories 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Landau Theory of Phase Transitions 2.3 Gaussian Approximation 2.4 Gaussian Approximation 2.5 Goldstone ModeChapter3 Renormalization Group:the c-expansion 3.1 The Landau-Wilson Functional 3.2 The Renormalization GroupChapter4 Quantum Phase Transitions 4.1 Effective Action for a Nearly Ferromagnetic Metal 4.2 The Quantum Paramagnetic-to-Ferromagnetic Transition 4.3 Extension to Finite Temperatures 4.4 Effective A ction Close to a Spin Density Wave Instability 4.5 Gaussian Effective Actions 4.6 Field-Dependent Free EnergyChapter5 Real Space Renormalization Group Approach 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The Ising Model in a Transverse Field 5.3 ConclusionChapter6 Heaavy Fermions 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Scaling Analysis 6.3 ConclusionsChapter7 A Microscopic Model for Heavy Fermions 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Susceptibility and Wilson Ratio 7.3 Resistivity and Kadowaki-Woods Ratio 7.4 Critical Regime 7.5 Local Regime and One-Parameter Scling ……Chapter8 Metal-Insulator TransitionsChapter9 Density-Driven Metal-Insulator TransitionsChapter10 Mott TransitionsChapter11 The Non-Linear Sigma ModelChapter12 Fluctuation-Induced Quantum PhaseBibliographyIndex
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