出版時(shí)間:2004-4 出版社:世界圖書出版公司(此信息作廢) 作者:T.Schneider 頁數(shù):432
這是一本關(guān)于高溫超導(dǎo)理論方向?qū)б缘闹鳎瑫刑峁┝舜罅靠煽康你~酸鹽類超導(dǎo)體的實(shí)驗(yàn)數(shù)據(jù)和插圖,反映出了近十年來在這個領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的最新研究成果,并有助于讀者深刻理解各種理論得到的結(jié)果。本書著重從理解相變理論出發(fā),透視出熱力學(xué)和量子漲落效應(yīng),為描述高溫超導(dǎo)現(xiàn)象提出了一個全面清晰的理論框架。 目次:引論;金茲堡-朗道唯象理論;高斯熱漲落;超流與N卡量模型;經(jīng)典臨界現(xiàn)象的標(biāo)度理度和普適性;經(jīng)典臨界現(xiàn)象方面的實(shí)驗(yàn)證據(jù);量子相變;補(bǔ)充解釋。 讀者對象:本書適合凝聚態(tài)物理專業(yè)的高年級本科生、研究生及相關(guān)專業(yè)研究人員。
Preface 1 Introduction 1.1 Cuprate superconductors 1.2 Universal critical properties of continuous phase transitions 1.3 Finite size effect and corrections to scaling2 Ginzbug-Landau phenomenology 2.1 London phenomenology 2.2 Ginzburg-Landau functional 2.3 Mean-field treatment 2.4 Flux quantization 2.5 London model and first flux penetration field 2.6 Effective mass anisotropy3 Gaussian thermal fluctuations 3.1 Gaussian fluctuations around the mean field solution 3.2 Gaussian order parameter fluctuations 3.3 Gaussian vector potential fluctuations 3.4 Relevance of vector potential fluctuations 3.5 Helicity modulus 3.6 Effective mass anisotropy 3.7 Fluctuation induced diamagnetism4 Superfluidity and the n-vector model 4.1 Ideal Bose gas 4.2 Charged Bose gas subjected to a magnetic field 4.3 Weakly interacting Bose gss 4.4 Hydrodynamic approach 4.5 The n-vector model5 Universality and scaling theory of classical critical phenomena at finite temperature6 Experimental evidence for classical critical behavior7 Quantum Phase Transitions8 ImplicationsA Mean field treatmentB XY modelC Quantum phase transitionsD BCS theoryE Superconducting properties of the attractive Hubbard model ReferencesIndex