出版時(shí)間:2004-4 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:Chris Godsil,Gordon Royle 頁(yè)數(shù):439
Many authors begin their preface by confidently describing how their book arose. We started this project so long ago, and our memories are so weak, that we could not do this truthfully. Others begin by stating why they decided to write. Thanks to Freud, we know that unconscious reasons can be as important as conscious ones, and so this seems impossible, too. Moreover, the real question that should be addressed is why the reader should struggle with this text.
Preface 1 Graphs 1.1 Graphs 1.2 Subgraphs 1.3 Automorphisms 1.4 Homomorphisms 1.5 Circulant Graphs 1.6 Johnson Graphs 1.7 Line Graphs 1.8 Planar Graphs Exercises Notes References 2 Groups 2.1 Permutation Groups 2.2 Counting 2.3 Asymmetric Graphs 2.4 Orbits on Pairs 2.5 Primitivity 2.6 Primitivity and Connectivity Exercises Notes References3 Transitive Graphs4 Arc-Transitive Graphs5 Generalized Polygons and Moore Graphs6 Homomorphisms7 Kneser Graphs8 Matrix Theory9 Interlacing10 Strongly Regular Graphs11 Two-Graphs12 Line Graphs and Eigenvalues13 The Laplacian of a Graph14 Cuts and Flows15 The Rank Polynomial16 Konts17 Knots and Eulerial CyclesGlossary of SymbolsIndex