
出版時間:2004-4  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:Frank W.Warner  頁數(shù):272  


This book provides the necessary foundation for students interested in any of the diverse areas of mathematics which require the notion of a differentiable manifold. It is designed as a beginning graduate-level textbook and presumes a good undergraduate training in algebra and analysis plus some knowledge of point set topology, covering spaces, and the fundamental group. It is also intended for use as a reference book since it includes a number of items which are difficult to ferret out of the literature, in particular, thecompleteand self-contained proofs of the fundamental theorems of Hodge and de Rham.


1 MANIFOLDS  Preliminaries  Differentiable Manifolds  The Second Axiom of Countability  Tangent Vectors and Differentials  Submanifolds, Diffeomorphisms, and the Inverse Function Theorem  Implicit Function Theorems  Vector Fields  Distributions and the Frobenius Theorem  Exercises 2 TENSORS AND DIFFERENTIAL FORMS  Tensor and Exterior Algebras  Tensor Fields and Differential Forms  The Lie Derivative  Differential Ideals  Exercises 3 IE GROUPS  Lie Groups and Their Lie Algebras  Homomorphisms  Lie Subgroups  Coverings Simply Connected Lie Groups Exponential Map Continuous Homomorphisms Closed Subgroups The Adjoint Representation Automorphisms and Derivations of Bilinear Operations and Forms Homgeneous Manifolds Exercises4 INTEGRATION ON MANIFOLDS5 SHEAVES,COHOMOLGY,AND THE DE RHAM THEOREM6 THE HODGE THEOREMBIBLIOGRAPHYSUPPLEMENT TO BIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX OF NOTATIONINDEX




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  •   適合在對微分流形或微分拓?fù)溆幸粋€基本的了解后閱讀
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  •   經(jīng)典教材,但不適合初學(xué)者。。。要砍掉同調(diào)論那一塊。。。
  •   收到的很快。純英文教材,備考資料,看著很吃力。
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  •   雖然早就料到影印版的書質(zhì)量一般,但是比預(yù)期的質(zhì)量還要差一些。比較失望
  •   This is a classical introductory book to differentiable manifold and Lie groups. Usually it is used as the text book for the first year graduate students of math major. Most important ideas of manifold and Lie group (as a mainfold) are listed. Some further topics, such as the Hodge theorem, are also introduced.
  •   該領(lǐng)域的名著,篇幅不大,但是卻涵蓋了大量內(nèi)容。

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