
出版時間:2003-11  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:Jack Hale  頁數(shù):365  


Since the publication of my lecture notes, Functional Differential Equations in the Applied Mathematical Sciences series, many new developments have occurred. As a consequence, it was decided not to make a few corrections and additions for a second edition of those notes, but to present a more comprehensive theory. The present work attempts to consolidate those elements of the theory which have stabilized and also to include recent directions of research.


Introduction Chapter 1 Linear differential difference equations   1.1 Differential and difference equations   1.2 Retarded differential difference equations   1.3 Exponential estimates of x(, f)   1.4 The characteristic equation   1.5 The fundamental solution   1.6 The variation-of-constants formula   1.7 Neutral differential difference equations   1.8 Supplementary remarks Chapter 2 Retarded functional differential equations: basic theory   2.1 Definition   2.2 Existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence   2.3 Continuation of solutions   2.4 Differentiability of solutions   2.5 Backward continuation   2.6 Caratheodory conditions   2.7 Supplementary remarks Chapter 3 Properies of the solution map  3.1  Finite-or infinite-dimensional problem  3.2 Equivalence classes of solutions  ……Chapter4 Autonomous and peridic processesChapter5 Stability theoryChapter6 General linear systemsChapter7 Linear autonomous equationsChapter8 Linear periodic systemsChapter9 Pertubed linear systemsChapter10 Behavior near equilibium and periodic orbits for autonomous equationsChapter11 periodic soultons of autonomous equationsChapter12 Eqations of neutral typeChapter13 Global theoryAppendixStability of charactersitc equationsBibliographyIndex




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  •   ince the publication of my lec***e notes, Functional Differential Equations in the Applied Mathematical Sciences series, many new developments have occurred. As a consequence, it was decided not to make a few corrections and additions for a second edition of those notes, but to present a more ***prehensive theory. The present work attempts to consolidate those elements of the theory which have stabilized and also to include recent directions of researchince the publication of my lec***e notes, Functional Differential Equations in the Applied Mathematical Sciences series, many new developments have occurred. As a consequence, it was decided not to make a few corrections and additions for a second edition of those notes, but to present a more ***prehensive theory. The present work attempts to consolidate those elements of the theory which have stabilized and also to include recent directions of researchince the publication of my lec***e notes, Functional Differential Equations in the Applied Mathematical Sciences series, many new developments have occurred. As a consequence, it was decided not to make a few corrections and additions for a second edition of those notes, but to present a more ***prehensive theory. The present work attempts to consolidate those elements of the theory which have stabilized and also to include recent directions of researchince the publication of my lec***e notes, Functional Differential Equations in the Applied Mathematical Sciences series, many new developments have occurred. As a consequence, it was decided not to make a few corrections and additions for a second edition of those notes, but to present a more ***prehensive theory. The present work attempts to consolidate those elements of the theory which have stabilized and also to include recent directions of research
  •   很專業(yè),很受益
  •   Jack Hale 絕對這方向的大牛,這教材也是很難啊
  •   挺好看的 對學習專業(yè)知識很有用的
  •   泛函微分方程的教材太少了,而且這本教材編寫的時間相對泛函微分方程的發(fā)展來說,顯得有點早。但是這并不影響人們學習泛函微分方程,Jack Hale是無窮維動力系統(tǒng)的領軍人物,同時也是泛函微分方程的領軍人物。所以,這本書還是有一定價值。
    如果國內能引進Jack Hale1993年寫的泛函微分方程這本新書(書名我忘了),那對學習泛函微分方程的人來說是幫助很大。
  •   已經(jīng)過時的研究方向了,不過做為微分方程來說,是必須了解的一本書,如果能夠做到流形上去還有的前途。
  •   整體都很好,就是字太小,英文字號小很費眼睛
  •   發(fā)貨速度很快!不過世圖的書紙張差了一點!
  •   速度挺快,就是有一點點破損,還好不印象閱讀.
  •   很好,送貨上門,很快捷
  •   適合做工程理論研究的人員細細推敲
  •   這本書送到我手上時,封面有點無痕,可能是在配送途中弄臟的。

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