
出版時(shí)間:2003-12  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:Walter Greiner  頁(yè)數(shù):424  


本書內(nèi)容包括:自旋-0粒子用的相對(duì)論波動(dòng)方程;自旋-1/2粒子用的波動(dòng)方程;Dirac方程的洛倫茲協(xié)變性;空間反射下的弦量;Dirac旋量的雙直線協(xié)變式;能量和自旋用的投影算子;平面Dirac波的波包;外場(chǎng)中的Dirac粒子;雙同心Dirac方程;空穴理論;Klein佯 謬;Weyl方程;任意自弦粒子用波動(dòng)方程;洛倫茲不變性和相對(duì)論對(duì)稱原理。    理論物理專業(yè)的大學(xué)生、教師、研究生及研究人員,以及廣大愛好理論物理學(xué)的各方面人士。


1.Relativistic Wave Equation for Spin Particles:The Klein-Goron Equation and its Applications  1.1  The Notaion  1.2  The Klein-Gordon Equation  1.3  The Nonrelativistic Limit  1.4  Free Spin-O Particale  1.5  Energy-Momenturm Tesor of the Klein Gordon Field  1.6  The Klein-Gordon Equation in Schrodiger Form  1.7  Charge Conjugation  1.8  Free Spin-o Particles in the Feshbach-Villars Representation  1.9  The Interaction of a Spin-o Particle with an Electromagnetic Field  1.10  Gauge Invariance of the Coupling  1.11  The Nonrelativistic Limit with Fields  1.12  Interpretation of One-Partcle Operators in Relativistic Qantum Mchanics  1.13  Biographical Notes2 A Wave Equaton for Spin 1/2 Particles the Dirac Eqation  2.1  Free Motion of a Dirac Partcle  2.2  Single-Partcle Interpretation of the Plane(Free)Dirac Waves  2.3  Nonrelativistic Limit of the Dirac Equation  2.4  Biographical Notes3 Lorentz Covariance of the Dirac Equation  3.1  Fomultaion of Covariance(Form Invariance)  3.3  Finite Proper Lorentz Transformations  3.2  Conticotn of the Operator for Infinitesmal Lorentz Transformations  3.4  The S Openator for Proper Lorentz Transformations  3.5  The Four-Current Density  3.6  Biographical Notes4 Spinors Under Spatial Reflection5 Bilinear Covariants of the Dirac Spinors  5.1  Biographical Notes6  Antother Way of Constructing Soultons of the Free Dirac Equation Construction by Lorentz Transformations7  Projection Operators for Energy and Spin8  Wave Packets of Plane Dirac Waves9  Dirac Particles in External Fields:Examples and Problems10  The Two-Centre Dirac Equation11  The Foldy-Wouthuysen Representation for Free Particles12  The Hole Theory13  Klein's Paradox14  The WeyI Equation-The Neutrino15  Wave Equations for Particeles with Arbitrary Spins16  Lorentz Invariance and Relativistic Symmetry PrinciplesSubject Index





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