出版時間:2004-1 出版社:世界圖書出版公司(此信息作廢) 作者:B.S.Furniss
《沃氏實(shí)用有機(jī)化學(xué)教程(第1卷)(第5版)》內(nèi)容簡介:This is the second time that we have prepared a new edition of Vogel's Textbook of Organic Chemistry and it is important to reaffirm the aims set out by the late Dr A. I. Vogel in the preface to the first edition. Thus in this new edition every endeavour is made to retain the comprehensive character of the book, and to ensure that it continues to be a one-volume reference text which is of value to practising organic chemists throughout their undergraduate, postgraduate and subsequent careers.
CHAPTER 1 ORGANIC SYNTHESIS1.1 INTRODUCTION1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE TARGET MOLECULE1.3 REACTION MECHANISM AND THE METHODOLOGY OF SYNTHESIS1.4 REACTION MECHANISM AND THE STRATEGY OF SYNTHESIS1.5 CONCLUSIONREFERENCESCHAPTER 2 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIOUES2.1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAFE WORKING IN ORGANIC CHEMICAL LABORATORIES2.2 PLANNING OF EXPERIMENTS AND RECORDING OF RESULTS2.3 HAZARDS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORIESAPPARATUS AND REACTION PROCEDURES2.4 INTERCHANGEABLE GROUND GLASS JOINTS2.5 TYPES OF GROUND GLASS JOINTS2.6 CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF GROUND GLASS JOINTS2.7 APPARATUS WITH INTERCHANGEABLE GROUND GLASS JOINTS SUITABLE FOR GENERAL USE IN PREPARATIVE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY2.8 OTHER TYPES OF INTERCHANGEABLE JOINTS AND STOPCOCKS2.9 THE USE OF CORKS AND RUBBER STOPPERS2.10 CUTTING AND BENDING OF GLASS TUBING2.11 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS2.12 COOLING OF REACTION MIXTURES2.13 JEATOMG PF REACTOPM MIXTIRES2.14 MECJAMOCAL AGOTATION2.15 TYPICAL GROUND GLASS JOINT ASSEMBLIES FOR STANDARD REACTION PROCEOURES2.16 PRECAUTIONS FOR UNATTENEDE REACTINS2.17 APPARATUS FOR SPECIAL REACTION TECHNIQUESISOLATION AND PURIFICATION PROCESSES2.18 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS2.19 FILTRATION TECHNIQUES2.20 RECRYSTALLISATION TECHNIQUES2.21 SUBLIMATION TECHNIQUES-FREEZE DRYING2.22 SOLVENT EXTRACTION2.23 DRYING OF LIQUIDS OR OF SOLUTIONS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN ORGANIC SOLVENTS2.24 DISTILLATION AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE2.25 STEAM DISTILLATION2.26 FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE2.27 DISTILLATION UNDER DIMINISHED PRESSURE ('VACUUM' DISTILLATION)2.28 HIGH VACUUM DISTILLATION - MOLECULAR DISTILLATION2.29 VACUUM PUMPS2.36 MANOMETERS, VACUSTATS, VACUUM GAUGES AND MANOSTATS2.31 CHROMATOGRAPHY2.32 STORAGE OF SAMPLES2.33 MELTING POINT - MIXED MELTING POINTS2.34 DETERMINATION OF BOILING POINT2.35 DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHT2.36 DETERMINATION OF OPTICAL ROTATORY POWER2.37 DETERMINATION OF REFRACTIVE INDEXREFERENCESCHAPTER 3 SPECTROSCOPIC METHODS AND THE INTERPRETATION OF SPECTRAIntroductionThe electromagnetic spectrum3.1 INFRARED SPECTROSCOPYInstrumental features of infrared spectrophotometersDetermination of infrared spectraSample preparationFeatures of an infrared spectrumInterpretation of an infrared spectrumCharacteristic group frequencies3.2 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPYFeatures of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrumThe chemical shiftSpin-spin splittingProtons attached to heteroatomsSimplification of 'H spectraInterpretation of the p.m.r, spectrumFurther information from 13 C-spectra3.3 MASS SPECTROMETRYThe mass spectrumAppearance of the mass spectrumInterpretation of the mass spectrumMass spectra of classes of organic compounds3.4 ULTRAVIOLET-VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPYInstrumental features of ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometersDetermination of ultraviolet-visible spectraLaws of light absorptionSolvents for ultraviolet spectroscopySolution preparationOptical cells and their careFeatures of an ultraviolet-visible spectrumREFERENCESCHAPTER 4 SOLVENTS AND REAGENTS4.1 THE PURIFICATION OF COMMON ORGANIC SOLVENTSSaturated aliphatic hydrocarbonsAromatic hydrocarbonsHalogenated hvdrocarbonsAliphatic alcoholsEthersKetonesEstersNitrogen-containing solventsSulphur-containing solventsPhosphorus-containing solvents4.2 THE PREPARATION AND PURIFICATION OF REAGENTSREFERENCESCHAPTER 5 ALIPHATIC COMPOUNDS5.1 ALKANESStructureSummary of preparative methods and of retrosynthetic strategiesSpectroscopic features5.1.1 The catalytic hydrogenation and chemical reduction of alkenes5.1.2 The hvdrolysis of alkylmagnesium halides and the hydrogenolysis of alkyl halides and of alkyl methane- or toluene-p-suiphonates5.1.3 The reduction of aldehydes and ketones5.1.4 Coupling reactions (a) using organometallic compounds, and(b) at the anode5.2 ALKENESStructureSummary of preparative methods and of retrosynthetic strategiesSpectroscopic features5.2.1 1,2-Elimination processes ([i-elimination)5.2.2 The partial hydrogenation of aikynes5.2.3 Wittig and related reactions5.2.4 Selected rearrangements of alkynes to allenes5.3 ALKYNESStructureSummary of preparative methods and of retrosynthetic strategiesSpectroscopicfeatures5.3.1 The dehydrogenation of vic- and gem-dihalides5.3.2 The oxidation of dihydrazones of 1,2-diketones5.3.3 Aikylation of a terminal alkyne5.3.4 Coupling reactions leading to diynes5.4 ALIPHATIC ALCOHOLSStructureSummary of preparative methods and of retrosynthetic strategiesSpectroscopicfeatures5.4.1 The reduction of aldehydes, ketones and esters5.4.2 The interaction of carbonyl-containing compounds with organometallic reagents5.4.3 The hydroboration-oxidation of alkenes5.4.4 The oxymercuration-demercuration of alkenes5.4.5 The hydroxylation of alkenes5.4.6 Methods for the protection of the hydroxyl group……CHAPTER 6 AROMATIC COMPOUNDSCHAPTER 7 SELECTED ALICYCLIC ALICYCLIC COMPOUNDSCHAPTER 8 SELECTED HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDSCHAPTER 9 INVESTIGATION AND CHARACTERISATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDSCHAPTER 10 PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDSAPPENDICESTable of atomic weightsIndexReference dataAbbreviations
插圖:Low-pressure mercury arc lamps operate at near room temperature. Much of the energy input of medium and especially high-pressure lamps however is converted into heat so that these lamps must be cooled. The medium-pressure lamps have been used most extensively for synthetic work on account of their high light output, ease of handling and broad spectrum emission. The full arc spectrum of these lamps is often employed in preparative photochemistry, but if necessary removal of unwanted regions of the spectrum can be effected by surrounding the lamp with chemical or glass (e.g. Corex, Vycor) filters; unwanted light below 300 nm can of course be removed by irradiation through Pyrex glass. For a comprehensive account of light filters and commercially available lamps, the reader should consult the monograph of Sch6nberg, Schenck and Neumuller. Details of the energy output at the emitted wavelengths can usually be obtained from the lamp suppliers but it should be appreciated that these values change on ageing.
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