
出版時間:2003-11  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:J.C.M.Li  頁數(shù):436  


This is the second volume of an advanced text book set on the microstructure and properties of materials. The first volume is on aluminum alloys, Nickel-base superalloys, metal matrix composites, polymer matrix composites, ceramics matrix composites, inorganic glasses, superconducting materials and magnetic materials. This volume covers titanium alloys, titanium aluminides, Iron aluminides, iron and steels, iron-base bulk amorphous alloys and nanocrystalline materials.


Preface Chapter 1 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloys  1 Introduction   1.1 Crystal structure   1.2 Deformation modes   1.3 Phase diagrams   1.4 Phase transformations   1.5 Alloy classification   1.6 Basic hardening mechanisms   1.7 Basic physical and chemical properties  2 Thermomechanical processing and microstructure   2.1 CP titanium   2.2 Alpha + Beta alloys   2.3 Beta alloys  3 Basic correlation between microstructures and mechanical properties   3.1 Alpha + Beta alloys   3.2 Beta alloys  4 Properties and applications   4.1 Alpha titanium alloys   4.2 Alpha + Beta titanium alloys for high temperature use  …… 5 Titanium Producion and Inspection  References   ProblemsChapter 2 Interfacial Structures and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Aluminides  1 Introducion  2 Phase Stability, ulk and defect properties  3 Deformation of single-phase titanium aluminides  4 Interfacial structures and energies  5 Mechanical properties of PST crystals  6 Summary  7 Acknowledgments  8 ReferencesChapter 3 Iron Aluminides  1 Introducion  2 The Fe-Al phase diagram  3 Applications and developmet potential  4 Processing  Part 1: Fe3Al Alloys  5 Dislocations and antiphase boundaries  6 Mechanical properties  7 Environmental resistance  8 Alloy development  9 Welding Part 2: Fe-Al Alloys  10 Dislocations and antiphase boundaries  11 Mechanical Properties  12 Embrittlement phenomena……Chapter 4 Iron and SteelsChapter 5 Synthesis and Soft Magnetic Properites of Fe-Based Bulk Amorphus AlloysChapter 6 Nanocrystalline MaterialsSubject indexAuthor Index



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