
出版時(shí)間:2003-11  出版社:世界圖書出版公司北京公司  作者:Joachim Reinhardt,Walter Greiner  頁數(shù):440  


理論物理教材與習(xí)題叢書》(Theoretical Physics-Text & ExerciseBooks)是一套由德國著名理論物理學(xué)家W.Griner教授編著的13卷集的理論物理學(xué)教科書。是一套內(nèi)容完整而實(shí)用的從大學(xué)生到碩士研究生的現(xiàn)代物理學(xué)教材。它以系統(tǒng)、統(tǒng)一和連貫的方式闡述了現(xiàn)代理論物理學(xué)的諸方面。這套教材面世后,不僅在德國產(chǎn)生了巨大的影響,其英文版的及時(shí)推出,對全世界理論物理學(xué)的教學(xué)也起了很好的促進(jìn)作用。本期目錄先選編其中3卷,其它各卷將陸續(xù)影印出版,請隨時(shí)關(guān)注我們的出版信息。    本套教材的特點(diǎn)是:①取材新穎。作者十分重視最新實(shí)驗(yàn)數(shù)據(jù)對理論物理學(xué)概念發(fā)展和深化的重要作用,不斷引人大量新的材料擴(kuò)充其內(nèi)容。②內(nèi)容敘述簡明。清晰、易懂,數(shù)學(xué)推導(dǎo)詳盡。③每卷中都輸入了數(shù)以百計(jì)的例題和習(xí)題,并均給出了詳細(xì)的解答。這在當(dāng)前理物理學(xué)的大量出版物中是極為難得的,它能幫助和輔導(dǎo)學(xué)生把理論物理學(xué)的概念與方法應(yīng)用于解決物理學(xué)家感興趣的實(shí)驗(yàn)問題。④書中每章后附有與本章內(nèi)容有關(guān)的科學(xué)家傳略。


Part Ⅰ. Many-Body Systems and Classical Field Theory.   1. Classical and Quantum Mechanics of Particle Systems     1.1 Introduction     1.2 Classical Mechanics of Mass Points     1.3 Quantum Mechanics: The Harmonic Oscillator     1.4 The Linear Chain (Classical Treatment)     1.5 The Linear Chain (Quantum Treatment)   2. Classical Field Theory     2.1 Introductio     2.2 The Hamilton Formalism     2.3 Functional Derivatives     2.4 Conservation Laws in Classical Field Theories     2.5 The Generators of the Poincare Group Part Ⅱ. Canonical Quantization   3. Nonrelativistic Quantum Field Theory     3.1 Introduction     3.2 Quantization Rules for Bose Particles     3.3 Quantization Rules for Fermi Particles   4. Spin-0 Fields: The Klein-Gordon Equation     4.1 The Neutral Klein-Gordon Field     4.2 The Charged Klein-Gordon Field    4.3 Symmetry Transformations    4.4 The Invariant Commutaion Relations    4.5 The Scalar Feynman Propagetor    4.6 Supplement:The △Functions  5 Spin-1/2 Fields:The Dirac Equation    5.1 Introduction    5.2 Canonical Quantization of the Dirac Field    ……  6 Spin-1 Fields:The Maxwell and Proca Equations  7 Quantization of the Photon Fields  8 Interacting Quantum Fields  9 The Reduction Formalism  10 Discrete Symmetry TransformationsPart Ⅲ.Quantization with Path Integrals  11 The Path-Integral Method  12 Path Integrals in Field TheoryIndex




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