
出版時(shí)間:2003-10  出版社:世界圖書出版公司北京公司  作者:N.Ringertz  頁(yè)數(shù):326  


The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature are awarded by the King of Sweden during a ceremony in the Concert Hall of Stockholm. This event takes place on December 10 each year. At the same time the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is also presented. Simultaneously in Oslo, Norway, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded.


Foreword Preface1991 ERWIN NEHERand BERT SAKMANN  Presentation by Sten GriUner  Biography of Erwin Neher  Ion Channels for Communication Between and Within Cells Biography of Bert Sakmann  Elementary steps in Synaptic Transmission Revealed by Currents Through Single Ion Channels1992 EDMOND H. FISCHER and EDWIN G. KREBS Presentation by HansJ6rnvall Biography of Edwin G. Krebs  Protein Phosphorylation and Cellular Regulation, I Biography of Edmond H. Fischer  Protein Phosphorylation and Cellular Regulation, II1993 RICHARDJ. ROBERTS and PHILLIP A. SHARP Presentation by Bertil Daneholt Biography of RichardJ. Roberts  An Amazing Distortion in DNA Induced by a Methyltransferase Biography of Phillip A. Sharp   Split Genes and RNA Splicing1994 ALFRED G.GILMAN and MARTIN RODBELL Presentation by Bertil B.Fredholm  Biography of Alfred G.Gilman   G Groteins and Regualtion of Adenylyl Cyclase  Biography of Martin Rodbell  Signal Transduction:Evolution of an Idea1995 EDWARD B.LEWIS,CHRISTIANE NUSSLEIN-VOLHARO and ERIC F.WIESCHAUS Presentation by Bjorn Vennstrom  Biography of Edward B.Lewis   The Bithorax Complex:The First Fifty Years  Biography of Christiane Nusslein-Volhard   The Identification of Genes Controlling Development in Flies and Fishes Biography of Eric Wieschaus   From Molecular Patterns to Morphogenesis:The Lessons from Drosophila



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