出版時間:2003-10 出版社:世界圖書出版公司北京公司 作者:J.Lindsten 頁數(shù):660
The Nobel Week is an annual, international event the highlight of which is the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in the Concert Hall of Stockholm on December 10th, that is on the death-day of Alfred Nobel. It is a fascinating occurrence from both the scientific and social points of view, mainly because it puts the significance of science for society into bright focus. Only one item on the entire agenda is compulsory for the Laureates during this week, the Nobel Lecture. Thus, each Laureate has to deliver a lecture on the topic for which the prize has been awarded. The lectures are generally given on December 8th, that is before the Prize Award Ceremony, so that the Laureates can enjoy the festivities in a more relaxed way.
Foreword Preface1971 EARL W. SUTHERLAND Presentation Speech by Peter Reichard Studies on the Mechanisms of Hormone Action1972 GERALD M. EDELMAN AND RODNEYR. PORTER Presentation Speech by Sven Gard Biography of Gerald M. Edelman Antibody Structure and Molecular Immunology Biography of Rodney R. Porter Structural Studies of lmmuhoglobulins1973 KARL VON FRISCH, KONRAD LORENZ and NIKOLAAS TINBERGEN Presentation Speech by B6rje Cronholm Biography of Karl von Frisch Decoding the Language of the Bee Biography of Konrad Lorenz Analogy as a Source of Knowledge Biography of Nikolaas Tinbergen Ethology and Stress Diseases1974 ALBERT CLAUDE, CHRISTIAN DE DUVE and GEORGE E. PALADE Presentation Speech by Jan-Erik Edstrom Biography of Albert Claude THe coming of Age of the Cell Biography of Christian de Duve Exploring Cells with a Centrifuge Biography of George E.Palade IntraceUularAspects ofthe Process ofProtein Secretion1975 DAVID BALTIMORE,RENATO DULBECCO and HOWADM. TEMI Presentation~eech by PeER Reichard Biography of David Baltimore Viruses,Polymerases and Cancer Biography of Renato Dulbecco FTom the Molecular Biology of Oncogenic DNA Viruses t0 Cancer Biography of Howard M.Temin TheDNA ProvirusHypothesis1976 BARUCH S.BLUMBERG and D.CARLETON GAJDUSEK Presentation Speech by Erling Norby Biography of Baruch S.Blumberg AustraliaAntigen andtheBiology ofHepatitisB Biography of D.Carleton Gajdusek UnconventionalViruses andtheO~gin and Disappearance ofKuru1977 ROGER GUILLEMIN.ANDREW V.SCHALLY and ROSALYN S.YALOW Presen ration Speech by Rolf Luft Biography of Roger Guilleman PeptidesintheBrain.TheNewEndocrinology oftheNeuron Biography ofAndrew V.Schally Aspects ofHypothalamicRegulation ofthePituitary Gland with MajorEmphasis on its Implicationsfor the Control of ReproductiveProcesses Biography of Rosalyn S.Yalow Radioimmunoassaw A Probe for Fine Structure of Biologic Systems1978 WERaNER ARBER.DANIEL NATHANS and HAMILTON 0.SMITH Presentation Speeches by Peter Reichard ……1979 ALAN M. CORMACK and GODFREYN. HOUNSFIELD1980 BARUJ BENACERRAF, JEAN DAUSSET AND CEORGED D. SNELL
生理學(xué)或醫(yī)學(xué)諾貝爾獎講演集1971-1980 PDF格式下載