出版時(shí)間:2003-10 出版社:世界圖書出版公司北京公司 作者:世界圖書出版公司 編 頁數(shù):501
The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature are awarded by the King of Sweden during a ceremony in the Concert Hall of Stockholm. This event takes place on December 10 each year. At the same time the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is also presented. Simultaneously in Oslo, Norway, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. ...
ForewordI963 JOHN CAREW ECCLES, ALAN LLOYD HODGKIN, and ANDREW FIELDING HUXLEY Motivation Presentation by R. Granit The ionic mechanism of postsynaptic inhibition, by John CareW Eccles Biography John Carew Eccles The ionic basis of nervous conduction, by Alan Lloyd Hodgkin Biography Alan Lloyd Hodgkin The quantitative analysis of excitation and conduction in nerve, by A.F. Huxley Biography Andrew Fielding HuxleyI964 KONRAD [BLOCH, andFEODOR LYNEN Motivation Presentation by S. BergstrSm The biological synthesis of cholesterol, by Konrad Bloch Biography Konrad E. Bloch The pathway from 《activated acetic acid》 to the terpenes and fatty acids, by Feodor Lynen Biography Feodor LynenI965 FRANEOISJACOB, ANDRELWOFF, and JACQUES MONOD Motivation Presentation bv S. Gard Genetics of the bacterial cell, by Francois Jacob Biography Franqois Jacob Interaction among virus, cell, and organism, by Andrd Lwoff Biography Ander Michel Lwoff From enzymatic adaptation to allosteric transitions, by Jacques Monod Biography Jacques Lucien MonodI966 PEYTON Rous, and CHARLES BRENTON HUGGINE Motivation Presentation by G. Klein The challenge to man of the neoplastic cell, by Peyton Rous Biography Peyton Rous Endocrine-induced regression of cancers, by Charles Huggins Biography Charles Brenton HugginsI967 RAGNAR GRANIT HALDAN KEFFER HARTLINE, and GEORGE WALD Motivation Presentation by C. G. Bernhard The development of retinal neurophysiology, by Ragnar Granit Biography Ragnar Granit Visual receptors and retinal interaction, by H. Keffer Hartline Biography Haldan Keffer Hartline The molecular basis of visual Biography George Wald excitation, by George WaldI968 ROBERT W. HOLLEY, HAR GOBIND KHORANA, and MARSHALLW. NIRENBERG Motivation Presentation by P. Reichard Alanine transfer RNA, bij Robert W. Holley Biography Robert W. Holley Nucleic acid synthesis in the study of the genetic code, by H. Gobind Khorana1969 MAX DELBRUCK,ALFRED D.HERSHEY,and SALVADOR E.LURIA1970 JULIUS AXELROD,ULFVONEULER,and BERNHARK KATZ Name IndexSubject IndexIndex of Biographies
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