出版時間:2003-6 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:R.G.Douglas 頁數(shù):194
In the quarter century since the first edition of this book appeared, tremendous development has occurred in operator theory and the topics covered here. However, the new edition remains unchanged except that several mistakes and typographical errors have been corrected. Further, a brief report on the current state of the doubleasterisk, open, problems is given along with references. No attempt is made to describe other progress that has been made in the study of Toeplitz operators and related topics nor has the bibliography been updated.
Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Acknowledgments Symbols and Notation 1 Banach Spaces 1 The Banach Space of Continuous Functions 2 Abstract Banach Spaces 3 The Conjugate Space of Continuous Linear Functionals 4 Examples of Banach spaces: co, l, and l 5 Weak Topologies on Banach Spaces 6 The Alaoglu Theorem 7 The Hahn-Banach Theorem 8 The Conjugate Space of C([0, 1]) 9 The Open Mapping Theorem 10 The Lebesgue Spaces: Ll and L 11 The Hardy Spaces: Hl and H Notes Exercises 2 Banach Algebras 1 The Banach Algebra of Continuous Functions 2 Abstract Banach Algebras 3 Abstract Index in a banach Algebra 4 The Space of Multiplicative Linear Functions 5 The Gelfand Transform 6 The Gelfand-Mazur Theorem 7 The Gelfand Theorem for Commutative Banach Algebras 8 The Spectral Radius Formula 9 The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem 10 The Generalized Stone-Weierstrass Theorem 11 The Disk Algebra 12 The Algebra of Functions with Absolutey Convergent Fourier series 13 the Algebra of Bounded Measurable Functions Notes exercises3 Geometry of Hilbert Space……4 Operators on Hilbert Space and C*-Algebras5 Compact Operators,Fredholm Operators,and Index Theory6 The Hardy Spaces7 Toeplitz OperatorsReferencesIndex
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