
出版時間:2003-6  出版社:北京世圖  作者:W.Walter  頁數(shù):380  




Preface Note to the Reader Introduction Chapter I. First Order Equations: Some Integrable Cases  1. Explicit First Order Equations  2. The Linear Differential Equation. Related Equations    Supplement: The Generalized Logistic Equation  3. Dif ferential Equations for Families of Curves. Exact Equations  4. Implicit First Order Differential Equations Chapter II: Theory of First Order Differential Equations  5. Tools from Functional Analysis  6. An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem   Supplement: Singular Initial Value Problems  7. The Peano Existence Theorem   Supplement: Methods of Functional Analysis  8. Complex Differential Equations. Power Series Expansions  9. Upper and Lower Solutions. Maximal and Minimal Integrals   Supplement: The Separatrix Chapter III: First Order Systems. Equations of Higher Order  10. The Initial Value Problem for a System of First Order  Supplement I: Differential Inequalities and Invarian e  Supplement II: Differential Equations in the Senseof  aratheodory 11. Initial Value Problems for Equations of Higher Order  Supplement: Second Order Differential Inequalities 12. Continuous Dependence of Solutions  Supplement: General Uniqueness and Dependence Theorems 13. Dependence of Solutions on Initial Values and ParametersChapter IV: Linear Differential Equations 14. Linear Systems 15. Homogeneous Linear Systems 16. Inhomogeneous Systems  Supplement: L1-Estimation of  C-Solutions 17. Systems with  Constant  Coefficients 18. Matrix Functions. Inhomogeneous Systems  Supplement: Floquet Theory 19. Linear Differential Equations of Order n 20. Linear Equations of Order n with  Constant  Coefficients  Supplement: Linear Differential Equations with Periodic  CoefficientsChapter V:  Complex Linear Systems 21. Homogeneous Linear Systems in the Regular  Case 22. Isolated Singularities 23. Weakly Singular Points. Equations of Fuchsian Type 24. Series Expansion of Solutions 25. Second Order Linear EquationsChapter VI: Boundary Value and Eigenvalue Problems 26. Boundary Value Problems  Supplement I: Maximum and Minimum Prin iples  Supplement II: Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 27. The Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem  Supplement: Rotation-Symmetri  Ellipti  Problems 28. Compact Self-Adjoint Operators in Hilbert SpaceChapter VII: Stability and Asymptotic Behavior 29. Stability 30. The Method of LyapunovAppendix A. Topology B. Real Analysis C. Complex Analysis D. Fun tional AnalysisSolutions and Hints for Selected ExercisesLiteratureIndexNotation


書評The author's book on GewShnliche Differentialgleichungen (Ordinary Differential Equations) was published in 1972. The present book is based on a translation of the latest, 6th, edition, which appeared in 1996, but it also treats some important subjects that are not found there. The German book is widely used as a textbook for a first course in ordinary differential equations. This is a rigorous course, and it contains some material that is more difficult than that usually found in a first course textbook; such as, for example, Peano's existence theorem. It is addressed to students of mathematics, physics, and computer science and is usually taken in the third semester. Let me remark here that in the German system the student learns calculus of one variable at the gymnasium1 and begins at the university with a two-semester course on real analysis which is usually followed by ordinary differential equations.






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