
出版時(shí)間:2003-4  出版社:北京世圖  作者:DavidGilbargNEILS.Trudinger  頁數(shù):517  


This revision of the 1983 second edition of"Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order" corresponds to the Russian edition, published in 1989, in which we essentially updated the previous version to 1984. The additional text relates to the boundary H61der derivative estimates of Nikolai Krylov, which provided a fundamental component of the further development of the classical theory of elliptic (and parabolic), fully nonlinear equations in higher dimensions. In our presentation we adapted a simplification of Krylov's approach due to Luis Caffarelli.


作者:( )David Gilbarg,( )Neil S.Trudinger[著]


Chapter 1. Introduction Part Ⅰ Linear Equations  Chapter 2 Laplace’s Equation   2.1 The Mean Value Inequalities   2.2 Maximum and Minimum Principle   2.3 The Harnack Inequality   2.4 Green’s Representation   2.5 The Poisson Integral   2.6 Convergence Theorems   2.7 Interior Estimates of Derivatives   2.8 The Dirichlet Problem; the Method of Subharmonic Functions   2.9 Capacity   Problems  Chapter 3 The Classical Maximum Principle   3.1 The Weak Maximum Principle   3.2 The Strong Maximum Principle   3.3 Apriori Bounds   3.4 Gradient Estimates for Poisson’s Equation   3.5 A Harnack Inequality   3.6 Operators in Divergence Form     Notes  Problems   Chapter 4 Poisson's Equation and the Newtonian Potential    4.1 Holder Continuity    4.2 The Dirichlet Problem for Poisson's Equation    4.3 Holder Estimates for the Second Derivatives    4.4 Eximates at the Boundary    4.5 Holder Estimates for the First Derivatives    Notes  Problems   Chapter 5 Banach and Hilbert Spaces    5.1 The Contraction Mapping Principle    5.2 The Method of Continity    5.3 The Fredholm Alternative    5.4 Dual Spaces and Adjoints    5.5 Hilbert Spaces    5.6 The Projection Theorem    5.7 The Riesz Represenation Theorem    5.8 The Lax-Milgram Theorem    5.9 The Fredholm Alternative in Hilbert Spaces    5.10 Weak Compactness    Notes  Problems   Chapter 6 Calssical Solutions; the Schauder Approach  Chapter 7 Sobolev Spaces  Chapter 8 Generalized Solutiona and regularity  Chapter 9 Strong SolutionsPart Ⅱ Quasilinear Equations  Chapter 10 Maximum and Comparison Principles  Chapter 11 Topological Fixed Point Theorems and Their Application  Chapter 12 Equation in Two Varables  Chapter 13 Holder Extimates for the Cradient  Chapter 14 Boundary Gradient Estimates  Chapter 15 Global and Interior Gradient Bounds  Chapter 16 Equations of Mean Curvature Type  Chapter 17 Fully Nonlinear EquationsBibliographyEpilogueSubject IndexNotation Index




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  •   該書是偏微分方程橢圓理論最完整的參考書。
  •   我看本書已經(jīng)很長時(shí)間,我們還討論過,雖然有點(diǎn)難,但是這是一本非常好的橢圓方程的書,值得搞研究珍藏。
  •   這是一本學(xué)習(xí)偏微分方程的經(jīng)典好書,原汁原味,值得認(rèn)真閱讀!
  •   偏微分方程必備
  •   沒啥可說的,這是偏微分方程的圣經(jīng)。。。
  •   經(jīng)典的書,英文版的.
  •   書不錯(cuò),挺受用的~~
  •   發(fā)貨速度非常快,書本印刷也不錯(cuò),贊一個(gè)。。。。
  •   聽朋友說還挺好的!好評(píng)啊!
  •   書還行,比預(yù)計(jì)的提前一天拿到書
  •   假如你也對(duì)偏微分感興趣?。。。。?!
  •   紙的質(zhì)量,感覺不好
  •   學(xué)方程的人很推崇的一本書
  •   同樣看不懂 估計(jì)這一輩子都不會(huì)看 我不是學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)的
  •   書很喜歡,就是有點(diǎn)難度
  •   很經(jīng)典,值得一看!
  •   師兄推薦,感覺不錯(cuò),同學(xué)一起買了四本
  •   頁碼齊全,雖是影印版,但印刷質(zhì)量還行。
  •   沒有什么可說的,PDE 界的經(jīng)典之作
  •   此書是本做幾何分析和PDE基礎(chǔ)書,是那種反復(fù)讀多少遍都不厭的寶典!
  •   經(jīng)典教材,別人推薦的,挺好的。
  •   還沒有讀,排行榜前三的分析書,Trudinger的大作值得一學(xué)。
  •   還是 Jost 那本對(duì)我來說更合適一些。
  •   經(jīng)典的書,能再便宜些就最好了
  •   當(dāng)年劉克峰教授去丘成桐讀博士的時(shí)候就是帶著這本去的!也是大師丘成桐推薦看的!
  •   剛開始買的那本有空白頁 后來換了一本 感覺還好
  •   書很不錯(cuò),但是印刷就不太滿意了
  •   書還好,就是發(fā)的速度優(yōu)點(diǎn)慢,畢竟完好地收到了,還是很感謝
  •   有地方字跡不太清楚
  •   印刷太差了
  •   印刷質(zhì)量太差~。
  •   今天收到書了,很新,整體感覺也還可以,不過就是印刷質(zhì)量有點(diǎn)讓人失望。和我在圖書館借到的同時(shí)影印版的同一書,印刷明顯差一等!雖然還不至于影響使用,但是清晰度不高,字母有斷斷續(xù)續(xù)的那種感覺……
  •   這書的印刷質(zhì)量很差, 印得不清楚,有點(diǎn)泛白,字體又小...總之看著很吃力啊~~~
  •   內(nèi)容很好,但是印刷極差!!
  •   經(jīng)典的東西需要反復(fù)讀了,一遍不要說讀過這本書。
  •   偏微分方程的經(jīng)典著作,收集了二階橢圓方程的許多結(jié)果,很多估計(jì)都很細(xì)致,在同類書中很難找到。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
