
出版時(shí)間:2003-04  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:Philip L. Taylor,Olle Heinonen  頁(yè)數(shù):414  


  這是一本凝聚態(tài)物理學(xué)的研究生教材.書中內(nèi)容以相當(dāng)大的篇幅介紹“軟”凝聚態(tài)物理(液體、液晶等)以及非公度晶體、準(zhǔn)晶、非晶態(tài)固體、拓?fù)淙毕?、孤子等傳統(tǒng)固體物理中很少討論的課題。在理論上強(qiáng)調(diào)了序參量。對(duì)稱性破缺、廣義剛度等概念,并系統(tǒng)介紹了重正化群理論及其在凝聚態(tài)物理中的應(yīng)用。本書每章末附有習(xí)題和參考文獻(xiàn)?!   ”緯鵀橛⑽陌妗?/pre>


PrefaceChapter 1 Semiclassical introduction1.1 Elementary excitations1.2 Phonons1.3 Solitons1.4 Magnons1.5 Plasmons1.6 Electron quasiparticles1.7 The electron-phonon interaction1.8 The quantum Hall effectChapter 2 Second quantization and the electron gas2.1 A single electron2.2 Occupation numbers2.3 Second quantization for fermions2.4 The electron gas and the Hartree-Fock approximation2.5 Perturbation theory2.6 The density operator2.7 The random phase approximation and screening2.8 Spin waves in the electron gasChapter 3 Boson systems3.1 Second quantization for bosons3.2 The harmonic oscillator3.3 Quantum statistics at finite temperatures3.4 Bogoliubov''s theory of helium3.5 Phonons in one dimension3.6 Phonons in three dimensions3.7 Acoustic and optical modes3.8 Densities of states and the Debye model3.9 Phonon interactions3.10 Magnetic moments and spin3.11 MagnonsChapter 4 One-electron theory4.1 Bloch electrons4.2 Metals, insulators, and semiconductors4.3 Nearly free electrons4.4 Core states and the pseudopotential4.5 Exact calculations, relativistic effects, and the structure factor4.6 Dynamics of Bloch electrons4.7 Scattering by impurities4.8 Quasicrystals and glassesChapter 5 Density functional theory5.1 The Hohenberg-Kohn theorem5.2 The Kohn-Sham formulation5.3 The local density approximation5.4 Electronic structure calculations5.5 The Generalized Gradient Approximation5.6 More acronyms: TDDFT, CDFT, and EDFTChapter 6 Electron-phonon interactions6.1 The Frohlich Hamiltonian6.2 Phonon frequencies and the Kohn anomaly6.3 The Peierls transition6.4 Polarons and mass enhancement6.5 The attractive interaction between electrons6.6 The Nakajima HamiltonianChapter 7 Superconductivity7.1 The superconducting state7.2 The BCS Hamiltonian7.3 The Bogoliubov-Valatin transformation7.4 The ground-state wave function and the energy gap7.5 The transition temperature7.6 Ultrasonic attenuation7.7 The Meissner effect7.8 Tunneling experiments7.9 Flux quantization and the Josephson effect7.10 The Ginzburg-Landau equations7.11 High-temperature superconductivityChapter 8 Semiclassical theory of conductivity in metals8.1 The Boltzmann equation8.2 Calculating the conductivity of metals8.3 Effects in magnetic fields8.4 Inelastic scattering and the temperature dependence of resistivity8.5 Thermal conductivity in metals8.6 Thermoelectric effectsChapter 9 Mesoscopic physics9.1 Conductance quantization in quantum point contacts9.2 Multi-terminal devices: the Landauer-Buttiker formalism9.3 Noise in two-terminal systems9.4 Weak localization9.5 Coulomb blockadeChapter 10 The quantum Hall effect10.1 Quantized resistance and dissipationless transport10.2 Two-dimensional electron gas and the integer quantum Hall effect10.3 Edge states10.4 The fractional quantum Hall effect10.5 Quasiparticle excitations from the Laughlin state10.6 Collective excitations above the Laughlin state10.7 Spins10.8 Composite fermionsChapter 11 The Kondo effect and heavy fermions11.1 Metals and magnetic impurities11.2 The resistance minimum and the Kondo effect11.3 Low-temperature limit of the Kondo problem11.4 Heavy fermionsBibliographyIndex







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  •   作為凝聚態(tài)物理的入門書很好,數(shù)學(xué)不復(fù)雜,物理夠清晰。
  •   如題,先看過(guò)馮端的《凝聚態(tài)物理學(xué)》后再看這本書,感覺(jué)很不錯(cuò),對(duì)自己建立凝聚態(tài)理論基礎(chǔ)很有幫助。同時(shí)搭配看Grosso的《固態(tài)物理學(xué)》以及凝聚態(tài)場(chǎng)論,能很快的建立起基礎(chǔ)框架以便日后深入到某個(gè)方向。
  •   這是我們學(xué)習(xí)固體量子理論的參考書。本書盡量精選了固體理論里面的典型問(wèn)題,但是避免了場(chǎng)量子化比較難得部分,用通俗易懂的方式來(lái)處理。只要有一定的量子力學(xué)和固體物理的基礎(chǔ),并且學(xué)過(guò)一點(diǎn)二次量子化,應(yīng)該能夠把這書讀下來(lái)。李正中那本書就是垃圾,除了用數(shù)學(xué)形式忽悠人,內(nèi)容陳舊,立意膚淺。

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