
出版時(shí)間:2000-4  出版社:北京世圖  作者:M.O.Scully  頁數(shù):630  


  The field of quantum optics has witnessed significant theoretical and experimental developments in recent years. This book provides an in-depth and wide-ranging introduction to the subject, emphasizing throughout the basic principles and their applications.  The book begins by developing the basic tools of quantum optics, and goes on to show the application of these tools in a variety of quantum optical systems, including lasing without inversion, squeezed states and atom optics. The final four chapters are devoted to a discussion of quantum optical tests of the foundations of quantum mechanics, and to particular aspects of measurement theory.  Assuming only a background of standard quantum mechanics and electromagnetic theory, and containing many problems and references, this book will be invaluable to graduate students of quantum optics, as well as to researchers in this field.


Preface1. Quantum theory of radiation2. Coherent and squeezed states of the radiation field3. Incoherent states of the radiation field4. Field-field and photon-photon correlation interferometry5. Atom-field interaction - semiclassical theory6. Atom-field interaction - quantum theory7. Lasing without inversion and other effects of atomic coherence and interference8. Quantum theory of damping - density operator and wave function approach9. Quantum theory of damping - Heisenberg-Langevin approach10. Resonance fluorescence11. Quantum theory of laser - density operator approach12. Quantum theory of laser - Heisenberg-Langevin approach13. Theory of the micromaser14. Correlated emission laser: concept, theory and analysis15. Phase sensitivity in quantum optical systems: applications16. Squeezing via non-linear optical processes17. Atom optics18. The EPR paradox, hidden variables and Bell Theorem19. Quantum nodemolition measurements20. Quantum optical tests of complementarity21. Two-photon interferometry,the quantum measurement problem,and moreIndex




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  •   量子光學(xué)研究生必讀的教材
  •   學(xué)量子光學(xué)必備的
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  •   工作需要。。。
  •   作者是個(gè)大牛人物,這本書寫的淺顯易懂,也很詳細(xì),值得一看。
  •   表述簡單易懂 版面悅目
  •   質(zhì)量我挺滿意的,值得買!
  •   書很好,偏貴。
  •   很不錯(cuò),質(zhì)量很好,紙張質(zhì)量也很好。
  •   送貨挺快的...
  •   真的不錯(cuò)正版書,而且是2009年印刷的
  •   不錯(cuò)的書,到貨速度很快
  •   不錯(cuò),正在看,要是中國人能寫出這樣一本書就好了
  •   這本書的英文流暢易懂,書中介紹的概念從基本開始,讀起來感覺很好,推薦一下。
  •   挺好的一本書,內(nèi)容相當(dāng)系統(tǒng)。不過注意看的時(shí)候一定要自己推一遍,不然不易理解作者思路
  •   很好,質(zhì)量很贊
  •   書很不賴,就是書的開本太小了,看著不怎么方便圖片有的不清晰,書里面放個(gè)書簽這個(gè)很喜歡
  •   量子光學(xué)是物理的研究的一個(gè)熱點(diǎn),這本書是量子光學(xué)的經(jīng)典教材,被很多學(xué)校用作教材。
  •   書很好 快遞很給力,一天就到了,就是字有點(diǎn)小
  •   還沒看,為了儲(chǔ)備知識(shí)而買。
  •   hai bu cuo zhi de gou ma
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  •   印刷質(zhì)量還可以,就是被壓得皺皺的,不像新書,快遞不能送到手邊,需自取。
  •   要是影印的質(zhì)量再好點(diǎn)就好了!另外不喜歡這種封面的手感。
  •   書質(zhì)量不錯(cuò),研究生經(jīng)典教材
  •   稍微有點(diǎn)老了,期待新版
  •   書不錯(cuò),全英文的,慢慢看吧
  •   是正版書,發(fā)貨也很快。
  •   物理講的并不透徹。
  •   大師的作品,但不宜懂。
  •   我不想評(píng)價(jià)書的內(nèi)容,絕對是好書,但是忍不住批評(píng),當(dāng)當(dāng)老給我發(fā)好臟的書,:(
  •   狠下心終于買了,太貴了!
  •   如果有人能把此書,翻譯過來就好了!
  •   全英文版本的書就是有點(diǎn)貴
  •   書不錯(cuò),大家都這么說個(gè)人沒看完所以4.5
  •   影印版,字太小,不方便閱讀,比原版差。

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