
出版時(shí)間:1970-1  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:J.W.MULLIN  頁數(shù):527  


  twenty years have elapsed since the second edition of crystallization was published, and more than thirty since the first. over this period of time, significant advances have been made in our understanding of the basic mechanisms of crystallization. there has also been an upsurge of interest in the utilization of crystallization as a processing technique throughout a wide range of industries. it is pleasing, therefore, to note that problems of crystallizer design and operation can now be approached with some confidence. his third edition is essentially a completely new book. most sections have been extensively rewritten and some considerably enlarged to reflect the important developments of recent years. the subject matter has been rearranged to produce a more coherent structure. for example, all methods of crystal size characterization and measurement are brought together in chapter 2. the measurement and prediction of solubility data are given some prominence in chapter 3. nucleation and crystal growth respectively are now dealt with in separate chapters, and the topics of crystal habit modification and phase transformation are given special attention. the techniques of recrystallization, precipitation, sublimation, and crystallization from melts and solutions are all treated separately, and in considerable detail. for solution crystallization, a number of different crystallizer operating modes, including batch operation, are assessed and some simple design procedures are outlined. the problems of scale-up and downstream process requirements are also addressed.


Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering University of London


preface to third edition preface to first edition nomenclature and units 1 the crystalline state 1.1 liquid crystals 1.2 crystalline solids 1.3 crystal symmetry 1.4 crystal systems 1.5 miller indices 1.6 space.lattices 1.7 solid state bonding 1.8 lsomorphs and polymorphs 1.9 enantiomorphs and racemates 1.10 crystal habit 1.11 dendrites 1.12 composite crystals and twins 1.13 imperfections in crystals 2 physical and thermal properties 2.1 density 2.2 viscosity 2.3 surface tension 2.4 diffusivity 2.5 refractive index 2.6 electrolytic conductivity 2.7 crystal hardness 2.8 units of heat 2.9 heat capacity 2.10 thermal conductivity 2.11 boiling, freezing and melting points 2.12 latent heats of phase change 2.13 heats of solution and crystallization 2.14 size classification of crystals 3 solutions and solubility 3.1 solutions and melts 3.2 solvent selection 3.3 expression of solution composition 3.4 solubility correlations 3.5 theoretical crystal yield 3.6 ideal and non-ideal solutions 3.7 particle size and solubility 3.8 effect of impurities 3.9 measurement of solubility 3.10 prediction of solubility 3.11 solubility data sources 3.12 supersolubility 3.13 solution structure 4 phase equilibria 4.1 the phase rule 4.2 one-component systems 4.3 two-component systems 4.4 enthalpy-composition diagrams 4.5 phase change detection 4.6 three-component systems 4.7 four-component systems 4.8 'dynamic' phase diagrams 5 nucleation 5.1 primary nucleation 5.2 secondary nucleation 5.3 metastable zone widths 5.4 effect of impurities 5.5 induction and latent periods 5.6 inteffacial tension 5.7 ostwald's rule of stages 6 crystal growth 6.1 crystal growth theories 6.2 growth rate measurements 6.3 crystallization and dissolution 6.4 crystal habit modification 6.5 phase transformations 6.6 inclusions 7 crystallization techniques and equipment 7.1 recrystallization 7.2 precipitation 7.3 crystallization from melts 7.4 sublimation 7.5 crystallization from solution 7.6 caking of crystals 8 crystallizer operation and design 8.1 crystal size distribution (csd) 8.2 kinetic data measurement and utilization 8.3 crystallizer specification 8.4 fluid-particle suspensions 8.5 enerustation 8.6 downstream processes appendix references subject index




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