
出版時間:2000-6  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:S.S.M.Wong  頁數(shù):508  


Computational methods form an increasingly important part of the undergraduate curricu-lum in physics and engineering these days. This book is mainly concerned with the ways that computers may be used to advance a student's understanding of physics. A large part of the material is common to engineering as well. The subject matter covered in this volume may be classified also under the title of "computational physics." There are several ways to organize the material that should be included. The choice made here is to follow the traditional approach of mathematical physics. That is, the chapters and sections are grouped around methods, with physical problems used as the motivation and examples. One attractive alternative is to group around physical phenomena. The difficulty of following this way of organization is the heavy reliance on the physics background of the readers, thus making it harder to follow for students at early stages of their education. For this reason, such an approach is rejected.


Preface to the FirstEditionPreface to the Second Edition1 Computational Methods  1-1 Numerical calculations and beyond  1-2 Integers and floating numbers  1-3 Programming language and program library  1-4 Examples of algebraic, integer and floating numbercalculations  1-5 Examples of unconventional techniques  Problems2 Integration and Differentiation  2-1 Numerical integration  2-2 Rectangular and trapezoidal rules  2-3 Simpson''s rule  2-4 Gaussian quadrature  2-5 Monte Carlo integration  2-6 Multidimensional integrals and improper integrals  2-7 Numerical differentiation  Problems3 Interpolation and Extrapolation  3-1 Polynomial interpolation  3-2 Interpolation using rational functions  3-3 Continued fraction  3-4 Fourier transform  3-5 Extrapolation  3-6 Inverse interpolation  3-7 Cubic spline  Problems4 Special Functions  4-1 Hermite polynomials and harmonic oscillator  4-2 Legendre polynomials and spherical harmonics  4-3 Spherical Bessel functions  4-4 Laguerre polynomials  4-5 Error integrals and gamma functions  Problems5 Matrices  5-1 System of linear equations  5-2 Matrix inversion and LU-decomposition  5-3 Matrix approach to the eigenvalue problem  5-4 Tridiagonalization method  5-5 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix  5-6 Lanczos method of constructing matrices  5-7 Nonsymmetric matrices and complex matrices  Problems6 Methods of Least Squares  6-1 Statistical description of data  6-2 Uncertainties and their propagation  6-3 The method of maximum likelihood  6-4 The method of least squares  6-5 Statistical tests of the results  6-6 Linear least-squares fit  6-7 Nonlinear least-squares fit to data  Problems7 Monte Carlo Calculations  7-1 Generation of random numbers  7-2 Molecular diffusion and Brownian motion  7-3 Data simulation and hypothesis testing  7-4 Percolation and critical phenomena  7-5 The Ising model  7-6 Path integrals in quantum mechanics  7-7 Fractals  Problems8 Finite Difference Solution of Differential Equations  8-1 Types of differential equations  8-2 Runge-Kutta methods  8-3 Solution of initial value problems by extrapolation  8-4 Boundary value problems by shooting methods  8-5 Relaxation methods  8-6 Boundary value problems in partial differential equations  8-7 Parabolic partial differential equations  8-8 Hyperbolic partial differential equations  8-9 Nonlinear differential equations  8-10 Stiffness problems  Problems9 Finite Element Solution to PDE  9-1 Background  9-2 Shape functions and finite element approximation  9-3 Assembling contributions from elements  9-4 Variational approach  9-5 Application to a two-dimensional Poisson equation  ProblemsAppendix A  A-1 Decomposition into prime numbers  A-2 Bit-reversed order  A-3 Gaussian elimination of a tridiagonal matrix  A-4 Random bit generator  A-5 Reduction of higher-order ODE to first-orderAppendix B List of Fortran Program ExamplesBibliographyIndex




    物理學(xué)和工程學(xué)中的計算方法 PDF格式下載

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  •   嗯,一本計算物理的好書~~~思路十分清楚,現(xiàn)代社會,計算物理的用處還是很大的,這本書作為入門級專業(yè)讀物還是不錯的~~~~
  •   這本書絕對是物理方面做數(shù)值的福音,講解詳細而且內(nèi)容也比較全。

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