
出版時間:2000-10  出版社:上海世界圖書出版公司  作者:(美)大衛(wèi)?埃利斯,大衛(wèi)?福曼  


A Prepositions (Where & When)
1 Prepositions of Place (Micky lives at Number 14. )
2 Prepositions of Motion (The chickens are running on to thc road )
3 Prepositions of Time (Minny gets up at 7 o'clock. )
B Verbs (Action/Doing Words)
l The Simple Present Tense (Ronnie Wrinkle is an old man. )
2 The Simple Past Tense (Micky and Minny went to the cinema. )
3 The Imperative ("Don't come back!" shouted Mr Meanwell. )
4 The Past Perfect Tense (Earlier the burglar had put a torch in the bag. )
5 The Present Perfect Tense (Oh, no, somebody has broken the window!)
6 The Present Continuous Tense (The Meanwell family is tidying up the mess.)
7 The Infinitive of Purpose (Minny is using a basket to pick up the books.)
8 Modal Verbs (We must find out What happened.)
9 The Past Continuous Tense (You were standing by the window, listening.)
l0 The Future Tense (When he comes out, he will be very old. )
ll The Infinitive (Can you help us to get Ronnie out of jail?)
l2 Phrasal Verbs (What did the burglar look like?)
l3 Present Participle (We can't help Ronnie by telling the police that! )
l4 The Conditional (If we catch the thief, he will go to jail. )
l5 The Gerund (Catching a thief is not easy. )
l6 The Passive (Your house was robbed by Mr Grumble. )
C Adverbs and Adjectives
C I Adverbs
l Adverbs of Manner (He opened the Window easily. )
2 Adverbs of Frequency (Minny and Micky somcdrics have a good idea. )
3 Adverbs of Place (He's upstairs in his office. )
4 Adverbs of Degree (It's really lucky no one saw them. )
5 Adverbs of Time (Go and arrest him now! )
C II Adjectives
l Ordinary Adjectives (He was carring a large, heavy, black bag. )
2 Possessive Adjectives (My husband was only carring a bag from his friend's house. )
3 Demonstrative Adjectives (Why is this ladder here?)
4 End Adjectives (Be careful? The glass is sharp?)
5 Comparatives (They felt sadder and sadder because they couldn 't help Ronnie. )
6 Superlatives (It was the most difficult case Reg had ever had. )
7 Participles as Adjectives (Now they were not worried any more. )
D Determiners and Nouns
1 Nouns (They are a happy family.)
2 Determiners (Both children were fast asleep. )
3 Possessive Nouns (Minny's camera was stolen.)
4 The Definite Article with Countable and Uncountable Nouns (The footPrjnts are leading to the small shed. )
5 More Definite Articles (They are very famous in the U. S. A. )
6 The Indefinite Article (He had eggs and chips With the beans. )
E Qucstion Forms
1 Wh--questions (Who is the burglar?)
2 Yes/No Questions with Do/Does (DO you want to leave or not?)
3 Yes/No Questions in the Present Tense (Have you been to the hospital yet?)
4 Modal Questions (Can we see Bobby Badry, piease?)
5 Negative Questions (Isn 't he ieaving hospital soon?)
6 Tag Questions (That's a good idea, isn't it?)
F Negative and Positive Statements
1 Negative and Positive Sentences (I can't stand it. )
2 There is/There are CThere are a lot of children waiting for you. )
3 The Initial it (It's not much fun in jail. )
G Pronouns and Quantifiers
l Quantifiers (He found a piece of chewing gum undcr the chair. )
2 Direct Object the opened the door quickly.)
3 Demonstrative Pronouns (This, you mean? It's a feather. )
4 Relative Pronouns (That's the man who stole our things. )
5 Subject Pronouns (I want you all to listen carefully )
6 Emphatic Pronouns (I did it all myself.)
7 Reflexive Pronouns (They felt sorry for themseives.)
8 Object Pronouns (Do you mean me, Mrs Grumble?)
9 Possessive Pronouns (Ronnie Wrinkle is a friend of ours. )
H Conjunctions
Appendix 1 -- Personal Pronouns and Adjectives
Appendix 2 -- Table of Common Irregular Verbs
Appendix 3 -- List of Common Phrasal Verbs




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