
出版時間:1999-6  出版社:世界圖書出版公司北京公司  作者:J.Mann,R.S.Davidsom,et al 著  頁數(shù):455  


List of contributorsForewordINTRODUCTION1 CARBOHYDRATES by J. Mann  1.1 Introduction  1.2 Structural types  1.3 Sources and functions  1.4 Chemistry of monosaccharides    1.4.1 Reactions of the hydroxyl group    1.4.2 Reactions at the anomeric centre  1.5 Structure elucidation  1.6 The total synthesis of natural products and related compounds using carbohydrates    1.6.1 Synthesis of thromboxane B2    1.6.2 Synthesis of (-)-shikimic acid    1.6.3 Synthesis of (+)-showdomycin    1.6.4 Synthesis of (+)-exo-brevicomin    1.6.5 Synthesis of (+)-muscarine  1.7 Synthesis of carbohydrates    1.7.1 Synthesis of L- (--)-daunosamine    1.7.2 Synthesis of methyl-L-ribofuranoside    1.7.3 Synthesis of lincosamine    1.7.4 Synthesis via asymmetric epoxidation of allylic alcohols : the Sharpless epoxidation    1.7.5 Synthesis ofglycopeptides    1.7.6 Synthesis of an artificial antigen  Further reading2 NUCLEOSIDES, NUCLEOTIDES, AND POLYNUCLEOT1DES by J. 13. Hobbs  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Nucleosides    2.2.1 Nucleoside conformation    2.2.2 Nucleoside synthesis  2.3 Nucleotides    2.3.1 Nucleotide biosynthesis    2.3.2 Nucleotide synthesis    2.3.3 P-chiral nucleotides    2.3.4 Some applications of atp NMR in nucleotide research  2.4 Oligo- and polynucleotides    2.4.1 Biosynthesis    2.4.2 Oligonucleotide synthesis    2.4.3 Assembly of longer oligonucleotides and genes    2.4.4 Nucleic acid sequencing    2.4.5 Recombinant DNA    2.4.6 Copying DNA: the polymerase chain reaction  Further reading3 AMINO ACIDS AND PEP'TIDES by R. S. Davidson and J. B. Hobbs,with D. O. Smith  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Synthesis of a-amino acids    3.2.2 Newer synthetic routes    3.2.3 Syntheses based on a-amino acids as chiral building blocks    3.2.4 Resolution of racemic mixtures of a-amino acids  3.3 Biodegradation of the amino acids    3.3.1 Transamination    3.3.2 The metabolic fate of the ~t-ketoacids    3.3.3 Biosynthesis of the amino acids  3.4 Chemical synthesis of peptides    3.4.1 N-protecting groups    3.4.2 Selective protection of aω-diaminocarboxylic acids    3.4.3 C-protecting groups    3.4.4 Selective protection of carboxyl groups of the mono amino dicarboxylic acids    3.4.5 Protection of other functional groups    3.4.6 Activation and coupling    3.4.7 Summary of strategies and methods available for synthesizing peptides in solution    3.4.8 Example of peptide synthesis using the solution method    3.4.9 Use of solid supports in peptide synthesis : the Merrifield approach    3.4.10 Use of solid supports in peptide synthesis: the use of polyacrylamide resins    ……4 FATTY ACIDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES by J.B.Hobbs5 TERPENOIDS by D.V.Banthorpe6 PHENOLICS by J.B.Harborne7 ALKALOIDS by J.MannINDEX



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