出版時間:1999-5 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:LANDAU 頁數(shù):539
The content and treatment in this edition remain in accordance with what was said in the preface to the first edition (see below). My chief care in revising and augmenting has been to comply with this principle. Despite the lapse of thirty years, the previous edition has, with very slight exceptions, not gone out of date. Its material has been only fairly slightly supplemented and modified. About ten new sections have been added.
Prefacesto the English editionsE.cM.cLifshitzNotation.Ⅰ.IDEAL FLUIDS 1.The equation of continuity 2.Euler's equation 3.Hydrostatics 4.The ondition that onvection be absent 5.Bernoulli's equation 6.The energy flux 7.The momentum flux 8.The onservation of circulation 9.Potential flow 10.Incompressible fluids 11.The drag force incpotential flow past a body 12.Gravity waves 13.Internal waves in an incompressible fluid 14.Waves in acrotating fluidⅡ.VISCOUS FLUIDS 15.The equations of motion of acviscous fluid 16.Energy dissipation in ancincompressible fluid 17.Flow in acpipe 18.Flow between rotating cylinders 19.The law of similarity 20.Flow with small Reynolds numbers 21.The laminar wake 22.The viscosity of suspensions 23.Exact solutions of thecequations of motion for acviscous fluid 24.Oscillatory motion in acviscous fluid 25.Damping of gravity wavesⅢ.TURBULENCEⅣ.BOUNDARYcLAYERSⅤ.THERMALONDUCTIONcINcFLUIDSⅥ.DIFFUSIONⅧ.SOUNDⅨ.SHOCKcWAVESⅩ.ONE-DIMENSIONALcGAScFLOWⅪ.THEcINTERSECTIONcOFcSURFACEScOFcDISCONTINUITYⅫ.TWO-DIMENSIONALcGAScFLOWXIII.FLOWcPASTcFINITEcBODIESXV.RELATIVISTIFLUIDcDYNAMICSXUI.DYNAMICScOFcSUPERFLUIDS