出版時間:1999-5 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:V.B.Berestetskii,E.M.Lifshitz,L.P.Pitaevskii 頁數(shù):652
THE first edition of this volume of the Course of Theoretical Physics was published in two parts (1971 and 1974) under the title "Relativistic Quantum Theory". It contained not only the basic material on quantum electrodynamics but also chapters on weak interactions and certain topics in the theory of strong interactions. The inclusion of those chapters now seems to us inopportune. The theory of strong and weak interactions is undergoing a vigorous development founded on new physical ideas, and the situation in this field is changing very rapidly, so that the time for a consistent exposition of the theory has not yet arrived. In the present edition, therefore, we have retained only quantum electrodynamics, and accordingly changed the title of the volume.
NOTATION. INTRODUCTION 1. The uncertainty principle in the relativistic case Ⅰ PHOTONS 2. Quantization of the free electromagnetic field 3. Photons 4. Gauge invariance 5. The electromagnetic field in quantum theory 6. The angular momentum and parity of the photon 7. Spherical waves of photons 8. The polarization of the photon 9. A two-photon system Ⅱ BOSONS 10. The wave equation for particles with spin zero 11. Particles and antiparticles 12. Strictly neutral particles 13. The transformations C, P and T 14. The wave equation for a particle with spin one 15. The wave equation for particles with higher integral spins 16. Helicity states of a particle Ⅲ FERMIONS17. Four-dimensional spinors18. The relation between spinors and 4-vectors19. Inversion of spinors20. Dirac's equation in the spinor representation21. The symmetrical form of Dirac's equation22. Algebra of Dirac matrices23. Plane waves24. Spherical waves25. The relation between the spin and the statistics26. Charge conjugation and time reversal of spinors27. Internal symmetry of particles and antiparticles28. Bilinear forms29. The polarization density matrix30 Neutrinos31 The wave equation for a particle with spin3/2Ⅳ PARTICLES IN AN EXTERNAL FIELD32. Dirac's equation for an electron in an external field33. Expansion in powers of 1/c34. Fine structure of levels of the hydrogen atom35. Motion in a centrally symmetric field36. Motion in a Coulomb field37. Scattering in a centrally symmetric field38. Scattering in the ultra-relativistic case39. The continuous-spectrum wave functions for scattering in a Coulomb field40. An electron in the field of an electromagnetic plane wave41. Motion of spin in a external field42. Neutron scattering in a electric fieldⅤ RADIATIONⅥ SCATTERING OF RADIGTIONⅦ THE SCATTERING MATRIXⅧ INVARIANT PERTURBATION THEORYⅨ INTERACTION OF ELECTRONSⅩ INTERACTION OF ELECTRONS WITH PHOTONSⅪ EXACT PROPAGATORS ANDVERTEX PARTSⅫ RADIATIVE CORRECTIONSXIII ASYMPTOTIC FORMULAE OF QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICSXIV ELECTRODYNAMICS OF HADRONSINDEX
THE first edition of this volume of the Course of Theoretical Physics was published in two parts (1971 and 1974) under the title "Relativistic Quantum Theory". It contained not only the basic material on quantum electrodynamics but also chapters on weak interactions and certain topics in the theory of strong interactions. The inclusion of those chapters now seems to us inopportune. The theory of strong and weak interactions is undergoing a vigorous development founded on new physical ideas, and the situation in this field is changing very rapidly, so that the time for a consistent exposition of the theory has not yet arrived. In the present edition, therefore, we have retained only quantum electrodynamics, and accordingly changed the title of the volume. 此書為英文版。