出版時間:1999-5 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:L.D.Landau,E.M.Lifshitz 著 頁數(shù):677
THE previous edition of this volume was the last book on which I worked together with my teacher L. D. Landau. The revision and expansion that we then carried out was very considerable, and affected every chapter. For the third edition, naturally, much less revision was needed. Nevertheless, a fair amount of new material has been added, including some more problems, and relating both to recent research and to earlier results that have now become of greater significance.
From the Preface to the first English editionPreface to the second English editionPreface to the third Russian editionEditor's Pretace to the Iburth Russian editionNotationⅠ. THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS 1. The uncertainty principlc 2. The principle of superposition 3. Operators 4. Addition and multiplication of operators 5. The continuous spectrum 6. The passage to the limiting case of classical mechanica 7. The wave function and measurementsⅡ. ENERGY AND MOMENTUM 8.The Hamiltonian operator 9. The differentiation of operators with respect to time 10. Stationary states 11. Matrices 12. Transformation of matrices 13. The Heisenberg representation of operators 14. The density matrix 15. Momentum 16. Uncertainty relationsⅢ. SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION 17 Schrodinger's equation 18. The fundamental properties of Schrodinger's equation 19. The current density 20. The variational principle 21. General properties of motion in one dimension 22. The potential well 23. The linear oscillator 24. Motion in a homogeneous field 25. The transmission coefficientⅣ. ANGULAR MOMENTUM 26. Angular momentum 27. Eigenvalues of the angular momcntum 28. Eigenfunctions of the angular momentum 29.Matrix elements of vectors 30.Parity of a state 31.Addition of angular momentaⅤ. MOTION IN A CENTRALLY SYMMETRIC FIELD 32. Motion in a centrally symmetric field 33. Spherical waves 34. Resolution of a plane wave 35. Fall of a particle to the centre 36. Motion in a Coulomb field (spherical polar coordinates) 37. Motion in a Coulomb field (parabolic coordinates) VI. PERTURBATION THEORY 38. Perturbations indcpendent of time 39. The secular equation 40. Perturbations depending on time 41. Transitions under a perturbation acting for a finite time 42. Transitions under the action of a periodic perturbation 43. Transitions in the continuous spectrum 44. The uncertainty relation for energy 45. Potential energy as a perturbationⅦ. THE QUASI-CLASSICAL CASE 46. The wave function in the quasi-classical case 47. Boundary conditions in the quasi-classical case 48. Bohr and Sommerfeld's quantization rule 49. Quasi-classical motion in a centrally symmetric field 50. Penetration through a potential barricr 51. Calculation of the quasi-classical matrix elements 52. The transition probability in the quasi-classical case 53. Transitions under the action of adiabatic perturbationsⅧ SPIN 54. Spin 55. The spin operator 56. Spinors 57. The wave functions of particles with arbitrary spin 58. The operator of finite rotations 59. Partial polarization of particles 60. Time reversal and Kramers' theoremⅨ. IDENTITY QF PARTICLES 61. The principle of indistinguishability of similar particles 62. Exchangc interaction ……Ⅹ THE ATOMⅪ THE DIATOMIC MOLECULEXII THE THEORY OF SYMMETRYXIII POLYATOMIC MOLECULESXV MOTION IN A MAGNETIC FIELDXVI NUCLEAR STRUCTUREXVII. ELASTIC COLLISIONSXVIII INELASTIC COLLISIONSMATHEMATICAL APPENDICESIndex