
出版時(shí)間:1998-08  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:O.洛  頁數(shù):104  


  First Certificate in English Practice is intended to supplement First Certifi- cate Course. While the main purpose of the latter is to cover in some detail the teaching material which will ensure comprehensive preparation for the First Certificate examination, this text provides practice in answering the various types of questions most likely to appear on the examination papers together with advice about how to deal with these.  The material presented in First Certificate in English Practice is deter- mined by the examination syllabus and while all of it is original, the questions and exercises are closely modelled on those of the three written papers included in the examination, on the Listening Comprehension texts and responses and on the requirements of the three parts of the Interview. The overall standard is that of the examination and, with some exceptions, the vocabulary is to be found in the Cambridge English Lexicon.  In certain cases, above all when class meetings are restricted to four hours or less weekly, First Certificate Course may prove too comprehen- sive for adequate coverage of its contents in the time available. If the students language ability approaches already that required to achieve a satisfactory examination standard, First Certificate in English Practice may provide a useful replacement for the course book. Preparation for the examination will then consist mainly of familiarising students with the kind of question to be expected and the most effective way of answering it, the teacher making good any language deficiencies as they are exposed.  Preface to the Second Edition  Adaptations have been made to include the new types of material appearing on the modified papers and questions which form part of the 1984 Syllabus.  This edition includes advice on dealing effectively with the Reading Comprehension, Use of English and Listening Comprehension papers and the three sections of the Interview.  Examples of a letter, composition expressing opinions and a speech are given, together with an example of the kind of continuous writing exercise required in Use of English Section B.  The Listening Comprehension texts are not normally available to students; the transcripts are therefore published in First Certificate in English Practice Key, together with the answers to all the exercises in this book.


  First Certificate in English Practice is intended to supplement First Certifi- cate Course. While the main purpose of the latter is to cover in some detail the teaching material which will ensure comprehensive preparation for the First Certificate examination, this text provides practice in answering the various types of questions most likely to appear on the examination papers together with advice about how to deal with these.


PrefaceSummary of the requirements of the 1984 SyllabusPaper 1 Reading ComprehensionSection A: Graded groups 1-10 Ungraded groups A-ESection B: Group 1 Narrative passagesGroup 2 Informative passagesGroup 3 Public notices, instructions, advertisements etc.Paper 2 CompositionIntroduction —— some suggestions for effective writingLetter-writingSample letterDescriptionNarrativeExpression of opinionsSample compositionA talk or speechSample compositionPrescribed textsPaper 3 Use of EnglishSectionA: English usage exercisesSection B: Recording and interpreting informationPaper 4 Listening ComprehensionPaper 5 InterviewSection A: Conversation based on photographsSection B: Interpretation of situations from passages to be read aloudSection C: Structured communication exercises


  Luke Admont had disappeared. The old lady who cooked, cleaned and tidied for him called the police when he had not returned for two nights, explaining that he was seldom away from home and never without warn- ing. According to her, he had no family and seemed to know hardly any- body in the neighbourhood. He spent his time studying and writing, though now and again he would work in the garden. Yet he was a pleasant gentleman, a little quiet perhaps, but always polite and although he had his likes and dislikes so far as food was concerned, he seldom interfered with the way she did her work.  One of the policemen interrupted her account by asking if they might perhaps see all the rooms in the house. Of course they were welcome to see whatever they wanted but apart from the hall where they now stood and Mr. Admonts sitting-room and bedroom, the house was quite bare,  though indeed this did not apply to her own room and the kitchen and bathrooms. She suggested coming with them but her offer was refused politely as they could find their own way.  Two of the rooms above were indeed without furniture though the newly-polished floors suggested that the old lady did her duties well. Lukes bedroom provided little information about him. A bed, a large cupboard with two well-worn suits inside, a chest of drawers containing other clothes and a chair were all that could be seen. No pictures or photo- graphs disturbed the neat striped pattern of the wallpaper.  The door of Lukes sitting-room, which was opposite the front door of the house, would not open. The younger policeman tried the handle, shook the door, looked through the keyhole and then called the old lady and asked if she had a key. The latter admitted that in fact, although she was forbidden to enter except when her employer was there, she had once left inside a brush she needed and had discovered a spare key on a shelf in the tool-shed, though this had been the only time she had used it. She pro- duced it after some delay and the door swung open.



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