
出版時(shí)間:1998-3  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:S.Brandt  頁數(shù):423  


Students of classical mechanics can rely on wealth of experience from everyday life to help them understand and apply mechanical concepts. Even though a stone is not a mass point, the experience of throwing stons certainly helps them to understand and analyze the trajectory of mass point in a gravitational field. Moreover, students can solve many mechanical problems on the basis of Newton's laws and , in doing so, gain additional experienc. When studying wave optics, they find that their knowledge of water waves, as well as experiments in ripple tank, and very helpful in forming an intuition about the typical wave phenomena of interference and diffraction.   


Foreword to the Second EditionPreface1 Introduction  1.1 The Photoelectric Effect  1.2 The Compton Effect  1.3 The Diffraction of Electrons  1.4 The Stem-Gerlach Experiment2 Light Waves, Photons  2.1 Harmonic Plane Waves, Phase Velocity  2.2 Light Wave Incident on a Glass Surface  2.3 Light Wave Traveling through a Glass Plate  2.4 Free Wave Packet  2.5 Wave Packet Incident on a Glass Surface  2.6 Wave Packet Traveling through a Glass Plate  2.7 The Photon3 Probability Waves of Matter  3.1 de Broglie Waves  3.2 Wave Packet, Dispersion  3.3 Probability Interpretation, Uncertainty Principle  3.4 The Schrodinger Equation  3.5 Bivariate Gaussian Probability Density  3.6 Comparison with a Classical Statistical Description4 Solution of the Schrodinger Equation in One Dimension  4.1 Separation of Time and Space Coordinates,Stationary Solutions  4.2 Stationary Scattering Solutions. Piecewise Constant Potential  4.3 Stationary Scattering Solutions. Linear Potentials  4.4 Stationary Bound States 5 One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics:Scattering by a Potential  5.1 Sudden Acceleration and Deceleration of a Particle  5.2 Sudden Deceleration of a Classical Phase-Space Distribution  5.3 Tunnel Effect  5.4 Excitation and Decay of Metastable States  5.5 Stationary States of Sharp Momentum  5.6 FreeFallofaBody6 One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics:Motion within a Potential, Stationary Bound States  6.1 Spectrum of a Deep Square Well  6.2 Particle Motion iri a Deep Square Well  6.3 Spectrum of the Harmonic-Oscillator Potential  6.4 Harmonic Particle Motion  6.5 Hannonic Motion of a Classical Phase-Space Distribution  6.6 Spectra of Squ'are-Well Potentials of Finite Depths  6.7 Periodic Potentials, Band Spectra7 Coupled Harmonic Oscillators: Distinguishable Particles  7.1 The Two-Particle Wave Function  7.2 Coupled Hannonic Oscillators  7.3 Stationary States8 Coupled Harmonic Oscillators: Indistinguishable Particles  8.1 The Two-Particle Wave Function for Indistinguishable Particles  8.2 Stationary States  8.3 Motion of Wave Packets  8.4 Indistinguishable Particles from a Classical Point of View9 Wave Packet in Three Dimensions  9.1 Momentum  9.2 Angular Momentum, Spherical Harmonics  9.3 Means and Variances of the Componentsof Angular Momentum  9.4 Interpretation of the Eigenfunctions of Angular Momentum  9.5 Schrodinger Equation  9.6 Solution of the Schrodinger Equation of Pree Motion  9.7 Spherical Bessel Functions  9.8 Hannonic Plane Wave in Angular-Momentum Representation  9.9 Frec Wave Packet and Partial-Wave Decomposition10 Solution of the Schrodinger Equation in Three Dimensions  10.1 Stationary Scattering Solutions  10.2 Stationary Bound States11 Three-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics:Scattering by a Potential  11.1 Diffraction of a Harmonic Plane Wave. Partial Waves  ……12 Three-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics: Bound States13 Three-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics: Resonance Scattering14 Coulomb Scattering15 Spin16 Examples from ExperimentA Simple Aspects of the Structure of Quantum MechanicsB Two-Level SystemC Analyzing AmplitudeD Wigner DistributionE Ganuna FunctionF Bessel Functions and Airy FunctionsG Poisson DistributionIndex




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