出版時間:1998-3 出版社:北京世圖 作者:S.Roman 頁數(shù):486
The main problem of information and coding theory can be described in a simple way as follows. Imagine that a stream of source data, say in the form of bits(0s and 1s), is being transmitted over a communications channel, such as telephone line. From time to time, disruptions take place along the channel, causing some of the 0s to be turned into 1s, and vice-versa. The question is "How can we tell when the original source data has been changed, and then it has, how can we recover the original data?" 本書為英文版。
PrefaceIntroductionPart 1 Information TheoryChapter 1 Entropy1.1 Entropy of a Source1.2 Properties of Entropy1.3 Additional Propcrties of EntropyChapter 2 Noiseless Voding2.1 Variable Length Encoding2.2 Huffman Encoding2.3 The Noiseless Coding TheoremChapter 3 Noisy Coding3.1 The Discrete Memoryless Channcl and Conditional Entropy3.2 Mutual Information and Channel Capacity3.3 THe Noisy Coding Theorem3.4 Proof of the Noisy Coding Theorem and Its Strong ConversePart 2 Coding TheoryChapter 4 General Remarks on Codes4.1 Error Detection and Correction4.2 Minimum Distance Decoding4.3 Families of Codes4.4 Codes and Designs4.5 The Main Coding Theory ProblemChapter 5 Linear Codes5.1 Linear Codes and Their Duals5.2 Weight Sistributions5.3 Maximum Distance Separable Codes5.4 Invariant Theory and Self-Dual CodesChapter 6 Some Linear Codes6.1 Hamming and Golay Codes6.2 Reed-Muller CodesChapter 7 Finite Fields and Cyclic CodesChapter 8 Some Cyclic CodesAppendixPreliminariesTablesReferencesSymbol IndexIndex
The main problem of information and coding theory can be described in a simple way as follows. Imagine that a stream of source data, say in the form of bits(0's and 1's), is being transmitted over a communications channel, such as telephone line. From time to time, disruptions take place along the channel, causing some of the 0's to be turned into 1's, and vice-versa. The question is "How can we tell when the original source data has been changed, and then it has, how can we recover the original data?"