出版時(shí)間:1996-12 出版社:納爾遜出版公司/世界圖書出版公司 作者:艾倫.埃塞頓
Part 1:Summary
2 What the examiners say
3 Summaryspraetice passage l
4 Making notes :pracrice passage
5 Extracting information :passage 3
6 Practice passage 4
7 Practice passage 5
9 Making a summary of Letters 2
10 Practice passage 6
11 Practice passage 7
12 Practice passage 8
Part 2:Comprehension,Summary & Directed
13 Figurative language
14 Answering vocabulary questions
15 Obstacles to understanding
16 Practice passage l
17 Practice passage 2A
18 Practice passages 2B and 2C
19 practice passage 3
20 Types of comprehension questions
21 Practice passage 4
23 Practice passage 5
24 Practice passage 6
25 Practice passage 7
26 Practice passage 8
27 Practice passages 9 and lO
28 Practice passage ll
29 Practice passage 12
30 Practice passage 13
3l Practice passage 14
32 Practice passage 15
33 Practice passage 16
34 Practice passage 17
35 Understanding situatlons
Part 3:Communication in writing:Composition
36 Communication in writing
37 Composition-basic points
41 Finishing a composition
42 What kind of English shall l use?
43 Further practice with basic skills
Part 4:Vocabulary
54 Words in context
55 Antonyms ,synonyms &. homonyms
56 Pairs of words
57 Phrasal verbs
58 Prefixes and meaning
59 Problem words & correct usage l
60 Problem words & correct usage 2
61 Idioms and common expressions
62 Common errors
Part 5:Language Practice
63 Word formation &- parts of Speech
64 Adjectives
65 Agreement
66 Articles
67 Cloze passages
68 Comparison
69 Conditionals and 'If'
70 Connectives
71 Future action
72 Gerunds
73 Indirect (reported) speech
74 Indirect (reported) questions
75 Infinitives
76 Participles
77 Prepositions
78 Pronouns
79 Punctuation
80 Spelling
81 Verbs:present tenses
82 Verbs:past actions