
出版時間:2004-01-01  出版社:Morning Glory Publishers  作者:Feng Linying  頁數(shù):208  字?jǐn)?shù):100000  


Across the border of China is a land of ancient wonders that has been too often misunderstood for us to pass without stare.Across the wall of the Forbidden City is a spirit of beauty and power tho has been too long veiled for us to stare without touch.Five hudred year is long but also short ,giving merely the last glance of the imperial pedigree onto the bounded but deemed boundless empire .Architecture is rich but yet pale,in telling days and nights of all the dwllers inside invisible embrace of the emperor.


Prelude1.Building and Scale of the Forbidden City2.Outer and Inner Court of the Forbidden City3.The Building of Wumen and its Functions4.The Corner Tower of the Imperial Palace5.The Court Punishment at Wumen6.Holding Court at Imperial Gate7.Architectural Characteristics of the Three Front Halls8.Grand Ceremony at Taihedian9.Piblicizin Imperial Edict10.Story of the Throne in Taihedian11.Furnishings and Implications in Front of the Throne in Taihedian12.“Gold”Brick Pavement13.No Trees in the Outer Court14.Sedan Chairs for Qing Emperors15.Palace Examination of Qing Dynasty16.Story of the Grand Stone Carving hehind Baohedain17.Tile Decortion on the Roofs in the Forbidden City18.Imperial Palace –the Dragon’s World19.Stories of Outdoor Imperial Furnishings20.Inner Golden River  inside the Forbidden city……Appendix




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