出版時間:1999-1 出版社:朝華出版社 作者:靳文龍,林惠芳 著 頁數(shù):159
Included in this book are35 diseases which occur frequently among children. The boook describes the cause,pathology and symptoms of each disease plus the suggested regimens for convarlescence. It combines special knowledge with practicability in readale language,illustrated with diagrsms. Paediatric massage is easy to operate.
General Knowledge of Paediatric MassageCharacteristics of Child Physiology and PathologyCommonly Used Media in Paediatric MassageManipulations Commonly Used in Paediatric MassageCommnly Used Paediatric Massage AcupointsPaediatric Massage Common ColdCoughAsthmaVomitHiccupAnorexiaAbdominal DistensionAbdominal PainDiarrhoea ConstipationDeficiency of Vitamin AFrequent UrinationEnuresisNocturnal CryingSomniloquyConvulsionsWhooping CoughDysenteryPurulent TympanitisNosebleedAphtahaSalivationToothacheMyopiaStrabismusStyeSpontaneous SweatingEczemaSummer HeatObesityChilblainAnkle Joint SprainRheumatoid ArthritisDeep-fit Massage for Children