出版時間:2000-01 出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社
l00Base-SX Paves Path for All-Fiber Net 100Base-SX為全光纖網(wǎng)鋪平道路
Fast Ethernet 快速以太網(wǎng)
Gigabit Ethernet 千兆位以太網(wǎng)
Jumbo Frames 超長幀
How to’s of Mixing Toke Ring,Ethernet 如何把令牌環(huán)網(wǎng)與以太網(wǎng)混合起來?
A Primer of Wireless LANs 無線局域網(wǎng)人門
Multiservice LANs 多服務局域網(wǎng)
Lighten LAN Loads With GMRP 利用GMRP減輕局域網(wǎng)的負擔
LAN Switches 局域網(wǎng)交換機
I/O Switching Technology I/O交換技術
Virtual LANs 虛擬局域網(wǎng)
ATM: The Future of LANs ATM:局域網(wǎng)的未來
Information Seryices on ATM Networks ATM網(wǎng)上的信息服務
COmpeting Thechnilogies for Converged Networking 統(tǒng)一網(wǎng)的競爭技術
High-Speed Network Backbones 高速主干網(wǎng)
International Frame Relay 國際幀中繼
Convergence? Try Voice Over Frame 統(tǒng)一?試一下在幀中繼上傳聲音
What Is a VPN? 何謂虛擬專用網(wǎng)(VPN)?
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol:A Common Way for Setting Up a VPN 點至點隧道協(xié)議:建立VPN的常用方法
Internetworking Devices:Bridges,Routers and Gateways 網(wǎng)絡互聯(lián)設備:網(wǎng)橋、路由器和網(wǎng)關
"Last Mile "High Speed Telecommunications “最后一英里”的高速通信
Digital Technology Brings Life to Copper Wire 數(shù)字技術賦予銅線新生命
Computer-Telephone lntegration Comes of Age 計算機電話一體化時代的到來
Intranet Telephony:Will Your LAN Replace Your PBX? 內(nèi)部網(wǎng)電話――局域網(wǎng)能替代用戶電話交換機嗎?
Browser-based Network Management 基于瀏覽器的網(wǎng)絡管理
Browser /Server/Server Computing 瀏覽器/服務器計算
The Internet:A Platform for Distributed Processing or Leapfrogging the Problems of Client/Server Internet:分布式處理或者跳過客戶機/服務器問題的平臺
What’s an Intranet? 何謂內(nèi)特網(wǎng)
Intranet and Groupware 內(nèi)特網(wǎng)與群件
Client/Server Is Dead,Long Live the Intranet 客戶機/服務器走向末路,內(nèi)特網(wǎng)前程萬里
Internet Terminals Internet終端
Internet-Based Training 基于Internet的培訓
A New Queuing Technique for Internet Access Internet接入的排隊新技術
Push Technology 推送技術
Battle Rages for the Internet Control Internet控制權之爭白熱化
Search Engines Get inside Intranets 搜索引擎打入內(nèi)特網(wǎng)
The Extranet 外部網(wǎng)
Introduction of Java Java介紹
An Introduction to Desktop Conferencing 桌上型會議介紹
Document Conferencing 文檔會議
Firewalls and Proxies 防火墻和代理
Firewall: A Measure of Network Security 防火墻:一項網(wǎng)絡安全措施
Packet Encryption 包加密
Storage Comes to the Network 存儲設備上網(wǎng)