
出版時間:2009-3  出版社:中國人民銀行支付結(jié)算司 中國金融出版社 (2009-03出版)  作者:中國人民銀行支付結(jié)算司 編  頁數(shù):163  


Following China Payment System Development Report (2006), China Payment System Development Report (2007) (Report) is the second annual report released by the People's Bank of China (PBC) to the public to reflect the development status of China Payment System.Report consists of four parts. Part I reviews the development of China Payment System in 2007, and briefly describes domestic and overseas environment, major achievements and development outlook of the system. Part II analyzes in detail the operation of China Payment System in 2007 from five aspects, iepayment service providers, bank settlement accounts, payment instruments, payment systems and securities settlement systems. Part III especially analyzes innovations and hot topics in the field of payment and settlement. Part IV Appendices include a history of major events of China Payment System development and statistics on key payment services in 2007.Report has three characteristics. First, it highlights the concept "Extensive Payment". Report covers not only the annual work of traditional payment and settlement services providers and management institutions, including PBC and commercial banks, but also related work of registration, custody, clearing and settlement service providers in financial market, such as China Government Securities Depository Trust & Clearing Co., Ltd., China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited and China Foreign Exchange Trade System, as well as specialized clearing institutions, such as Fund Clearing Center for City Commercial Banks and Rural Credit Banks Funds Clearing Center. Therefore, it gives a broad overview of the latest developments of China's payment and settlement in 2007.Second, Report gives an in-depth and comprehensive analysis on innovations and hot topics in the field of payment and settlement. It particularly adds Part III Monographic Study which compares and analyzes such eye-catching issues as electronic bills, electronic money and application of netting to inter-bank bond market, with a view to revealing the central bank's policy orientation and attitude towards relevant issues and driving healthy development of payment services.


  Report consists of four parts. Part I reviews the development of China Payment System in 2007, and briefly describes domestic and overseas environment, major achievements and development outlook of the system.


Part Ⅰ Overview of Payment System Development in 20071. Environment of Payment System Development2. New Achievements of Payment System in 20073. Outlook for China Payment System DevelopmentPart Ⅱ Analysis of Payment System Operation in 20071. Payment Service Providers2. RMB Bank Settlement Accounts3. Non-cash Payment Instruments4. Payment Systems5. China's Securities Settlement SystemsPart Ⅲ Monographic StudyMonographic Study 1: Domestic and International Practices in Developing Electronic Bills and Application of Electronic Bills in ChinaMonographic Study 2: Analysis of Electronic Money DevelopmentMonographic Study 3: Analysis on the Practice of International Settlement Standards for Chinese Bond Custody and Settlement SystemMonographic Study 4: Application of Netting to Inter-bank Bond MarketPart Ⅳ AppendicesAppendix 1: Major Events of Payment System Development in 2007Appendix 2: Tables on Key Payment Services in 20071. Tables of payment instruments2. Tables of payment systems3. Tables of bank settlement accounts4. Securities settlement statements5. The interpretation of main indicators of payment business statementsBoxesBox 1 Cheque Image SystemBox 2 Payment Management Information SystemBox 3 Citizen Identity Information Verification NetworkBox 4 Construction of the Olympics Payment EnvironmentBox 5 Improving Payment Instruments in the Wholesale Marketplace to Reduce Use of CashBox 6 Overview of Non-cash Payment in China, Euro Zone and USBox 7 ICBC Internet BankingBox 8 B2B Online Payment of CMBCBox 9 Comparison of Inter-bank Payment SystemsBox 10 Improve Payment Environment and Financial Services in Rural AreasFiguresFigure 2-1 Structure of Corporate Settlement Accounts at the End of 2007Figure 2-2 Distribution of Individual Bank Settlement Accounts at the End of 2007Figure 2-3 Breakdown of Corporate Bank Settlement Accounts at the End of 2007Figure 2-4 Breakdown of Individual Bank Settlement Accounts at the End of 2007Figure 2-5 Movement of Mo Growth and the Ratio of M0 to GDPFigure 2-6 Breakdown of Payment Transaction Volume of Major Non-cash Payment Instruments in 2007Figure 2-7 Breakdown of Payment Transaction Value of Major Non-cash Payment Instruments in 2007Figure 2-8 Structure of Bill Payment Transaction Volume and Value in 2007Figure 2-9 Bill Payment Transactions in 2007 Compared with That of 2006Figure 2-10 Breakdown of Bankcards Issued in 2007Figure 2-11 Cumulative Number and Growth Rate of Bankcards in China during 2002-2007Figure 2-12 Consumption Value and Growth Rate in 2000-2007Figure 2-13 Consumption Volume and Growth Rate in 2002-2007Figure 2-14 Breakdown of Transaction Volume of Payment and Clearing System in 2007Figure 2-15 Breakdown of Transaction Value of Payment and Clearing System in 2007Figure 2-16 Trend of HVPS Transaction Volume in 2007Figure 2-17 Breakdown of Fund Settlement in Inter-bank Bond MarketFigure 2-18 Breakdown of Regional Transaction Volume of HVPS in 2007Figure 2-19 Breakdown of Regional Transaction Value of HVPS in 2007Figure 2-20 Breakdown of HVPS Transaction Volume of Various Banks in 2007 ( 1 )Figure 2-21 Breakdown of HVPS Transaction Volume of Various Banks in 2007 (2)Figure 2-22 Breakdown of HVPS Transaction Value of Various Banks in 2007 ( 1 )Figure 2-23 Breakdown of HVPS Transaction Value of Various Banks in 2007 (2)Figure 2-24 Trend of BEPS Transaction Volume in 2007Figure 2-25 Breakdown of Regional BEPS Transaction Volume in 2007Figure 2-26 Breakdown of Regional BEPS Transaction Value in 2007Figure 2-27 Breakdown of BEPS Transaction Volume of Various Banks in 2007Figure 2-28 Breakdown of BEPS Transaction Value of Various Banks in 2007Figure 2-29 Trend of CIS Transaction VolumeFigure 2-30 Business Volume of Intra-bank Payment System of Commercial Banks in 2007 ( 1 )Figure 2-31 Business Volume of Intra-bank Payment System of Commercial Banks in 2007 (2)Figure 2-32 Business Value of Intra-bank Payment System of Commercial Banks in 2007 ( 1 )Figure 2-33 Business Value of Intra-bank Payment System of Commercial Banks in 2007 (2)Figure 2-34 Total Inter-bank Transaction Volume since 2001Figure 2-35 Overseas Acceptance Market ExploitationFigure 2-36 Issuing Volume and Value of Bank DraftsFigure 2-37 Volume and Value of Honored Bank DraftsFigure 2-38 Trend of Fund Clearing Business Volume of the Fund Clearing System for Rural Credit Banks in January-December 2007Figure 2-39 Breakdown of Volume of Various Transactions Handled by the Fund Clearing System for Rural Credit Banks in 2007Figure 2-40 Breakdown of Bond Custody Volume in 2007Figure 2-41 Breakdown of Bonds Held by Institutions in 2007Figure 2-42 RMB Bond Issuance and Redemption Value (1997-2007)Figure 2-43 Vertical Comparison of Settlement Value of China's Bond Market (1997-2007)Figure 2-44 Newly Opened A-share Accounts in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges (2001-2007)Figure 2-45 Breakdown of Deposited Securities at the End of 2007Figure 2-46 Composition of Par Value of Securities in Custody at the End of 2007Figure 2-47 Composition of Market Value of Securities in Custody at the End of 2007TablesTable 2-1 Changes of Banking Institutions in 2007Table 2- 2 Cash in Circulation and Its Relationship with GDPTable 2-3 Growth of Chartered Merchants, POS Terminals and ATM Terminals since 2002Table 2-4 Transaction Volume and Value of RMB Bankcard Payments in 2006 and 2007Table 2-5 Statistics of HVPS Transaction Flow of the Three Large Economic CirclesTable 2-6 Bond Transaction Settlement in the Market (2007)


插圖:The scale of payment transactions in the money market expanded. In 2007, due to the fastgrowing economy and brisk capital market, the spot transactions, inter-bank collateralized repos and transactions in the lending market were active, and money market expanded rapidly. HVPS provides support for DVP settlement of inter-bank bond transactions and fund settlement in the interbank lending market. Among the inter-bank DVP transactions, inter-bank spot transactions reached 28, 000, with an amount of RMB9.3 trillion yuan; the transaction volume of initial collateralized repos reached 32, 700, with an amount of RMB23.35 trillion yuan ; and the transaction volume of matured collateralized repos reached 29, 000, with an amount of RMB21.4 trillion yuan. The average monthly growth rates of the three types of payment transactions were 8.6%, 3.7% and 4. 1% respectively, and the settlement amount accounted for 98% of total DVP transactions.In 2007, HVPS handled 10, 262 inter-bank lending transactions in a total amount of RMB2.74 trillion yuan, with an average monthly growth rate of 15% and 14% respectively. Additionally, in order to support the implementation of monetary policy, HVPS provided open market operations with a fund settlement channel, and handled 339 spot bond transactions, with an amount of RMB 3.71 trillion yuan, initial collateralized repos and matured collateralized repos in the open market.HVPS business was mainly concentrated in the regions where economy was relatively developed. According to the statistics of current accounts of regional payment transactions, the top 10 regions in terms of high-value payment transactions handled a total of 237 million payment transactions in a total amount of RMB869. 59 trillion yuan, accounting for 68. 90% and 81.59% of the total respectively.





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