
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:中國金融出版社  作者:汪衛(wèi)芳 編  頁數(shù):118  


隨著金融國際化的日益發(fā)展,銀行業(yè)務的國際化程度也越來越高,隨著銀行業(yè)務的不斷拓展和銀行服務的多元化,銀行英語的內(nèi)容也在不斷豐富,從而要求銀行從業(yè)人員不斷進修相關(guān)的英語業(yè)務用語。  本書旨在通過對銀行英語口語標準化、規(guī)范化的訓練,提高銀行臨柜人員辦理涉外個人金融業(yè)務的英語會話水平。本書具有以下特點:(1)根據(jù)商業(yè)銀行業(yè)務辦理流程并結(jié)合高職高專教育的特點,收錄了銀行辦理涉外業(yè)務的許多情景對話,讓學習者仿佛身臨其境;(2)體例安排上采用的是項目塊,每個項目塊由背景介紹、情景對話和練習等幾部分組成,便于學習者邊學邊練;(3)書后還提供了各大金融機構(gòu)名稱、在華主要外資銀行概覽、相關(guān)業(yè)務的常用術(shù)語、世界各國貨幣名稱及符號等。


Business 1  Making DepositsBusiness 2  Handling WithdrawalsBusiness 3  Loss ReportingBusiness 4  Operation of ATMBusiness 5  Credit CardsBusiness 6  Exchanging Foreign CurrenciesBusiness 7  RemittanceBusiness 8  Opening a Letter of CreditBusiness 9  Making LoansBusiness 10  Investment and Finance參考譯文附錄 1.銀行各部門名稱 2.銀行業(yè)務常用術(shù)語 3.國內(nèi)主要銀行名錄 4.合資銀行和在華外資法人銀行 5.世界主要貨幣名稱及符號參考書目


  Commercial bank deposits, including demand deposits, are subject to immediate withdrawal during regular banking hours at the request of the depositor with the exception of certain time deposits, discussed in this section. Demand deposits may be withdrawn in the form of currency or coin, or they may be transferred to another account at any, commercial bank. Demand deposits at commercial banks can be transferred by bank check and are sometimes called checking accounts. No money interest is paid on demand deposits. Checkable NOW accounts, or share drafts at credit unions, which are available to consumers but not business depositors. Technically they are savings accounts that are accessilble by a negotiable order of withdrawal.                              Savings deposits at commercial banks and thrifts can usually be withdrawn as currency or coin,or as a cashiers check of the band(a check drawn against the issuing bank);they may be transferred into the depositors demand deposit account at the same bank,although technically the bank may refuse to withdraw or transfer a savings account for 30 days.                      Time deposit accounts with specified maturities are exceptions to the convention that commercial bank deposits should be convertible to cash on demand.Prior to the date of maturity,the bank may refuse to exchange such a time deposit claim or may impose a penalty fee.The time deposit pays interest,giving it one of the characteristics of other private bonds.                              What are the types of commercial bank deposits?



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用戶評論 (總計9條)


  •   里面的內(nèi)容很符合柜面業(yè)務
  •   很好,內(nèi)容實用
  •   質(zhì)量好 速度快 印刷質(zhì)量好
  •   專業(yè)的書,不錯,可惜買了之后發(fā)現(xiàn)可能用不太著、
  •   不錯~~很實惠
  •   內(nèi)容豐富,攜帶輕便,很適合充實大腦,希望對剛步入銀行的自己有所幫助。。。
  •   還好吧,就是好薄啊這書
  •   還沒看到實物~先給好評 信任當當!
  •   有點幫助!

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