
出版時(shí)間:2007-12  出版社:中國(guó)金融  作者:中國(guó)人民銀行金融穩(wěn)定分析小組 編  頁數(shù):159  


In 2006, China's Eleventh Five-Year Plan got off to a good start with majorachievements in economic and social development. The breakthroughs in financial sector reforms and innovations, the enhanced role of financial policies and services, and the improved financial supervision, regulation, as well as legal system helped further strengthen the stability of financial system. The China Financial Stability Report 2007 aims to reflect the latest developments in China's financial sector reforms, opening up, and innovations, providing a balanced assessment of financial stability in China.


OverviewChapter I  Macroeconomic EnvironmentChapter II  Banking SectorChapter III  Securities Sector and the Capital MarketChapter IV  Insurance SectorChapter V  Financial InnovationsChapter VI  Financial Safety Net and Financial Infrastructure Special Topic 1  Asset Prices and Financial StabilitySpecial Topic 2  International Experience in Agricultural Insurance and Its ImplicationsAppendix I  A Quantitative Study of the Soundness of the Banking Sector:the Case of 16 Commercial BanksAppendix II  StatisticsBoxes 1. China's Economic Development Contributes to Economic Growth and Financial Stability Worldwide 2. Risks Arising from Subprime Loans in the US 3.Focuses of the Financial Stability Report by Other Countries 4. Organization Innovation of Rural Finance 5.International Experiences of Bond Market Development Modes 6. Stock Index Futures   7. ICBC's A +H Share Offering 8. Perils of Underground Insurance 9. Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles 10. Catastrophe Insurance 11. International Developments of Financial Innovation 12. RMB Derivatives Innovation 13. The Launch and Closure of YinZhengTong 14. Commercial Banks' Financial Innovation: Credit Derivatives 15. Management of a City Commercial Bank Payment Risk and Its Implication 16.Payment System Automatic Pledge Financing Mechanism





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